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Human Resources Department

Sonoma County Public Defender Investigators’ Association (SCPDIA)

2023 - 2026 SCPDIA Memorandum of Understanding: Article 8: Special Compensation Benefits

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What’s on this Page

  • 8.1 Special Compensation Premium Pays
  • 8.2 POST Premiums
  • 8.3 Phone Work Compensation

Read Next: Article 9: Bilingual Pay

8.1 Special Compensation Premium Pays

Premium pays provided in this Memorandum will not be added to an employee's base hourly rate for computing overtime or any other differential, premium pay, or any other specialty pay unless specifically provided for in this Memorandum or as required by law.

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8.2 POST Premiums

Each employee who has been awarded a valid intermediate or advanced certificate issued by the California Commission on Peace Officer's Standards and Training (POST) shall be eligible for POST Premium compensation upon presentation of said certificate to the County. Each eligible employee who has been awarded a valid intermediate certificate shall receive 2.5% of employee’s base hourly rate for all compensation purposes, including overtime and retirement. Each eligible employee who has been awarded a valid advanced certificate shall receive 5% of employee’s base hourly rate for all compensation purposes, including overtime and retirement. The payments set forth in this Article 8.2 shall become effective at the beginning of the first full pay period following the date of eligibility or application for the specified POST premium, whichever date is later. No employee shall receive POST Premium compensation for a valid intermediate or advanced certificate issued by POST if such a certificate is required by the minimum qualifications of the employee's class or position.

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8.3 Phone Work Compensation

With the department head’s approval, an employee may be called upon to resolve work related problems by telephone without having to return to the work site. Such work shall be treated as time worked. Compensation for such work shall be a minimum of one hour of pay for any and all telephone calls received or made within that one hour period. In the event a later telephone call is received after the prior one hour of telephone work time, and the call required the employee to again resolve work related problems by telephone, employee shall be paid for an additional one hour of pay for all telephone calls received within that hour.

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