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Human Resources Department

Sonoma County Public Defender Investigators’ Association (SCPDIA)

2023 - 2026 SCPDIA Memorandum of Understanding: Article 14: Call-Back & Standby

14.1 Call-Back

Employees who are called back to work after having completed the normal shift and after having left the work site, shall be entitled to receive a minimum of two hours pay at the applicable rate for all call-backs received within that two hours call-back period. Such employees who are called back to work shall be compensated for regular time or overtime, as the case may be.

Employees who are required to appear in court in response to a valid subpoena in their off-duty time shall receive a minimum of three hours of overtime. Any payment for overtime shall be in accordance with the provisions of Article 13. Time worked, for which the employee is entitled to compensation, shall include reasonable travel time to and from the employee's residence via the shortest commonly traveled route.

Employees who are called back to work while on a duty free meal period will be paid for time worked.

Time worked, for which the employee is entitled to compensation, shall include reasonable travel time to and from the employee’s residence via the shortest commonly traveled route. No employee shall continue to receive standby pay once called back to work or while receiving call back pay for hours worked, or while guaranteed minimum is paid. For purposes of computing statutory overtime, only time actually worked and travel time shall be considered.

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14.2 Standby

Standby duty requires that an employee designated by the Department Head to be so assigned during off-duty hours, be ready to respond as soon as possible, be reachable by telephone or pager, be able to report to court within a specified period of time, and refrain from activities which might impair the employee's ability to perform assigned duties. No employee shall be paid standby and other compensable duty simultaneously.

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