Behavioral Health Division
- Our mission is to promote recovery and wellness to Sonoma County residents.
- We provide mental health and substance use disorder services across the service spectrum, from prevention, early intervention and treatment, to aftercare and recovery. We provide these services directly or through partnerships with community based agencies.
- Services are provided in all languages.
Featured Services
Crisis Services
Anyone living in Sonoma County who is experiencing a mental or emotional crisis can get help in person or over the phone 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Mental Health Services
We provide services across the service spectrum, from prevention, early intervention and treatment, to aftercare and recovery.
Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Recovery Services
We provide a wide range of substance use treatment services for adults and youths.
Peer Run Self-help Centers
We contract with West County Community Services to sponsor four peer run self-help centers in Sonoma County.
Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for Community Care Expansion Preservation Funds
The Sonoma County Department of Health Services (Department) is pleased to invite you to respond to a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for Community Care Expansion Preservation Funds. The linked NOFA outlines the information necessary to understand the competitive selection process and the required documentation necessary for the submission of applications. All interested proposers must meet the requirements specified in the NOFA. Approximately $728,439 in funding is available.