County Calendar
Showing 1 - 10 of 326 upcoming events
General Plan Community Vision Workshop: Healdsburg Community Center
These workshops provide an opportunity to learn about Sonoma County’s General Plan Update. County staff hope to hear individual perspectives on our county’s future growth, housing, transportation, environmental initiatives, and many other important topics. These sessions are designed to be family-friendly, featuring interactive activities and food. We will also have Spanish speaking staff there and provide diverse methods of engagement.
Canceled | Environmental Review Committee Meeting
The function of the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) is to review public projects in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) to determine whether a Mitigated Negative Declaration or an Environmental Impact Report is required.
Senior Saunters: Taylor Mountain
Senior Saunters are low-impact hikes designed to connect older adults with beautiful parks and each other.
Canceled | Landmarks Commission Meeting
The Landmarks Commission designates historic landmarks, reviews development proposals involving historic properties, and administers an historic resources preservation program. The Landmarks Commission meets the 1st Tuesday of each month (and as needed).
General Plan Community Vision Workshop: Penngrove Elementary
These workshops provide an opportunity to learn about Sonoma County’s General Plan Update. County staff hope to hear individual perspectives on our county’s future growth, housing, transportation, environmental initiatives, and many other important topics. These sessions are designed to be family-friendly, featuring interactive activities and food. We will also have Spanish speaking staff there and provide diverse methods of engagement.
Canceled | Design Review Committee Meeting
The Design Review Committee (DRC) reviews and approves the design of significant new development projects, such as new commercial development. The Committee considers building and site design, architecture, colors, lighting, signs, landscaping and other design-related issues.