- Preamble
- Term
- Successor Memorandum
- Recognition
- Definitions
- Employee Notification of Representation
- Rights of Western Council Officers Representatives and Members
- Personnel Files
- Communications
- Dues Check Off
- Management Rights
- Salaries and Administration of Salary Schedule
- Hours and Overtime
- Compensation Benefits
- Phone Work Compensation
- Mileage Reimbursement
- Staff Development and Wellness
- Tax Deferral Programs
- Health and Welfare Benefits
- Medical Benefits for Future Retirees
- Holidays
- Vacations
- Sick Leave and Family Leave
- Compassionate Leave
- Court Leave
- Jury Duty
- No Break in Service
- Voting
- Leave Pending Disciplinary Action
- Leave For Candidates For Public Office
- Leave Without Pay - Water Agency
- Discipline Notice and Hearing
- Layoff Policy
- Grievance Procedure
- Employment in More Than One Position
- Personal Property Reimbursement
- No Strike
- Full Understanding Modification Waiver
- Separability
- Direct Deposit
- Special Provisions
- No Discrimination
- Retirement Plan
- Safety Boots Shoes
- Safety Program
- Reopeners
- Disaster Leave
- Enactment
- Appendix A
- Appendix B
- Preamble
- Term
- Successor Memorandum
- Recognition
- Definitions
- Employee Notification of Representation
- Rights of Western Council Officers Representatives and Members
- Personnel Files
- Communications
- Dues Check Off
- Management Rights
- Salaries and Administration of Salary Schedule
- Hours and Overtime
- Compensation Benefits
- Phone Work Compensation
- Mileage Reimbursement
- Staff Development and Wellness
- Tax Deferral Programs
- Health and Welfare Benefits
- Medical Benefits for Future Retirees
- Holidays
- Vacations
- Sick Leave and Family Leave
- Compassionate Leave
- Court Leave
- Jury Duty
- No Break in Service
- Voting
- Leave Pending Disciplinary Action
- Leave For Candidates For Public Office
- Leave Without Pay - Water Agency
- Discipline Notice and Hearing
- Layoff Policy
- Grievance Procedure
- Employment in More Than One Position
- Personal Property Reimbursement
- No Strike
- Full Understanding Modification Waiver
- Separability
- Direct Deposit
- Special Provisions
- No Discrimination
- Retirement Plan
- Safety Boots Shoes
- Safety Program
- Reopeners
- Disaster Leave
- Enactment
- Appendix A
- Appendix B
- Appendix B-1
- News Index
- Back to 2023-2026 MOU
2023 - 2026 WCE Memorandum of Understanding: Article 42: Retirement Plan
Return to 2023-2026 WCE MOU Table of Contents
What’s on this Page:
- 42.1 Retirement – Credit for Prior Public Service
- 42.2 Retirement – Employees Hired On Or Before December 31, 2012
- 42.2.1 Final Compensation Based On Single Year
- 42.2.2 3% @ 60 Pension Formula
- 42.2.3 Required Employee Contribution
- 42.2.4 Employee Cost Share – 50% of Normal Cost
- 42.3 Retirement – Employees Hired On Or After January 1, 2013
- 42.3.1 Final Compensation Based On Three Year Average
- 42.3.2 2% @ 62 Pension Formula
- 42.3.3 Required Employee Contributions
42.1 Retirement – Credit for Prior Public Service
In addition to any other retirement buyback provision authorized by law and applicable rules of the Sonoma County Employees’ Retirement Association, employees who are contributing members of the Sonoma County Employees’ Retirement Association can purchase retirement credit for public service time rendered prior to employment with the County of Sonoma to the extent allowed by Government Code Sections 7522.46, 31641.1 and 31641.2 and other provisions of law, during the term of this MOU.
- Under Government Code Section 31641.2, the eligible represented employees shall be required to pay twice the amount of contributions, plus interest that would have been made by the employees to the retirement funding.
42.2 Retirement – Employees Hired On or Before December 31, 2012
This Section 42.2 (including subsections) shall apply to employees hired on or before December 31, 2012, who are or become contributing members of the Sonoma County Employees’ Retirement Association (“SCERA”), or who are hired after that date and qualified for pension reciprocity as stated in Government Code Section 7522.02(c) and any related SCERA reciprocity requirements.
42.2.1 Final Compensation Based On Single Year
For purposes of determining a retirement benefit, final compensation for employees covered by this Section 42.2 shall mean the average annual compensation earnable by the member as specified in Government Code Section 31462.1.
42.2.2 3% @ 60 Pension Formula
The 3.0% at 60 pension formula shall be available to employees covered by this Section 42.2 who are contributing members of the SCERA.
42.2.3 Required Employee Contribution
SCERA members covered by this Section 42.2 will contribute the amount required by SCERA as employee contributions, and shall continue to pay an additional 3.03% of pay, pretax, to their employee retirement account. This 3.03% of pay contribution of the employee’s pensionable compensation shall be paid as part of the County’s contribution to pay for the unfunded accrued actuarial liability resulting from past service. This additional 3.03% contribution will continue until July 2024. Employees also shall continue to pay a pretax statutory contribution of approximately 1.0% or slightly more, contingent upon age of entry into the retirement system.
42.2.4 Employee Cost Share – 50% of Normal Cost
- Effective the first full pay period following September 1, 2016 (or as soon as administratively feasible), and subject to Sonoma County Employees’ Retirement Association (SCERA) Board approval of the cost share arrangement under the terms described herein, active County General legacy members of SCERA will contribute one-third of the actuarially-determined difference between the average General legacy employee retirement rate (exclusive of the 3.03% payroll contribution toward UAAL described in section 42.2.3 of the MOU) and one-half the total normal cost (“total normal cost” includes both employer and member shares) calculated as an average for General legacy members of the Sonoma County Employees’ Retirement Association (SCERA) covered by this Section 42.2.4 based on rates of all active County General legacy members, with the difference computed to a factor and applied equally to all legacy members. Such legacy employees will receive a lump sum benefit allowance as reimbursement for this pension cost share arrangement each pay period equal to the dollar value of the deduction described in this paragraph, less any required taxes.
- Effective the first full pay period following July 1, 2017, and subject to Sonoma County Employees’ Retirement Association (SCERA) Board approval of the cost share arrangement under the terms described herein, active County General legacy members of SCERA will contribute an additional one-third (for a total of two thirds) of the actuarially-determined difference between the average General legacy employee retirement rate (exclusive of the 3.03% payroll contribution toward UAAL described in section 42.2.3 of the MOU) and one-half the total normal cost (“total normal cost” includes both employer and member shares) calculated as an average for General legacy members of the Sonoma County Employees’ Retirement Association (SCERA) covered by this Section 42.2.4 based on rates of all active County General legacy members, with the difference computed to a factor and applied equally to all legacy members. Such legacy employees will receive a lump sum benefit allowance as reimbursement for this pension cost share arrangement each pay period equal to the dollar value of the deduction described in this paragraph, less any required taxes.
- The lump sum benefit described in Sections 42.2.4 (a) and (b) will not be included in wages for computations of overtime, pension benefits, or for any County benefit-related purpose.
42.3 Retirement – Employees Hired On or After January 1, 2013
This Section 42.3 (including subsections) shall apply to employees hired on or after January 1, 2013, who are or become contributing members of the SCERA and who do not qualify for pension reciprocity as stated in Government Code Section 7522.02(c).
42.3.1 Final Compensation Based On Three Year Average
As required by Government Code Section 7522.32, effective January 1, 2013, for the purposes of determining a retirement benefit for SCERA members covered by this Section 42.3, final compensation shall mean the highest average annual pensionable compensation earned during 36 consecutive months of service.
42.3.2 2% @ 62 Pension Formula
As required by Government Code Section 7522.20, the 2.0% at 62 pension formula shall be available to employees covered by this Section 42.3 who are contributing members of the SCERA.
42.3.3 Required Employee Contributions
As required by Government Code Section 7522.30(c), SCERA members covered by this Section 42.3 shall pay 50% of normal costs. In addition, SCERA members covered by this Section 42.3 shall pay 3.03% of the employee’s pensionable compensation toward the County’s employer contribution to retirement costs. This additional 3.03% contribution shall continue until July 2024.