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Human Resources Department

Western Council of Engineers (WCE)

2019 - 2023 WCEMemorandum of Understanding:   Article 7: Personnel Files

Western Council of Engineers

7.1 Inspection of Personnel Files

The County and Council agree that personnel records are not subject to public inspection, except as required by law. Employee shall have the right to inspect and review any official record relating to their performance as an employee which is kept or maintained by the County. The County shall provide an opportunity for the employee to respond in writing to any information about which the employee disagrees. The response shall become a permanent part of the employee's personnel file. The contents of employee personnel records shall be made available to the employee for inspection and review at reasonable intervals during the regular business hours of the County.

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7.2 Records That Cannot Be Reviewed

Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Article, the County and Council agree that an employee is not entitled to inspect, review or copy such documents as reference letters, background investigations, and records pertaining to investigation of a possible criminal offense.

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7.3 Consent for Union Representative to Review Records

Should an employee wish to have a Council representative review the employee's own personnel records, the employee will provide the Council representative with a signed letter indicating the employee's consent to have the employee's records reviewed.

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7.4 Copies of Personnel File Documents

All personnel records are and remain the property of the County. At the employee's request, the employee shall be provided one copy of any document placed in the employee's personnel file except for employment applications. An employee must specify the documents which are requested for copying and shall pay the standard County copying fee.

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