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Human Resources Department

Western Council of Engineers (WCE)

2019 - 2023 WCEMemorandum of Understanding: Article 35: Personal Property Reimbursement

Western Council of Engineers

Article 35: Personal Property Reimbursement

Upon recommendation of the County, in accordance with Government Code Section 53240, an employee shall be reimbursed for the costs of replacing or repairing property or prostheses of an employee, such as eyeglasses, hearing aids, dentures, watches, or articles of clothing necessarily worn or carried by the employee when any such items are lost or damaged in the line of duty without negligence by employee. If the items are damaged beyond repair, the actual value of the items may be paid. The value of lost or damaged items shall be determined at the time the loss or damage occurred in accordance with the Personal Property Claims Guide as provided by Board of Supervisors Resolution No. 56420, dated January 18, 1977.

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