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Human Resources Department

Sonoma County Law Enforcement Association (SCLEA)

2019 - 2023 SCLEAMemorandum of Understanding: Article 31: Classification Information

Sonoma County Law Enforcement Association

31.1 Copies of Classification Studies

For affected employees in the Bargaining Units covered by this Memorandum of Understanding, the County agrees to provide the Association with complete copies of all final classification studies and reports going to the Civil Service Commission at the same time or, if possible, before such agenda reports are sent to the Civil Service Commission.

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31.2 Meet and Confer Obligation

Before the Board of Supervisors establishes the salary scale for any new class represented by the Association, the County shall offer to meet and confer in good faith without any mediation with the Association for up to thirty (30) calendar days on an appropriate salary scale for the new class.

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31.3 Classification Study – Welfare Fraud Investigator

After completion and submission of the Class Study Request Form to Human Resources, Human Resources will conduct a classification study of the Welfare Fraud Investigator classification to ensure the classification specification accurately reflects the work being performed and that the positions are appropriately classified.  The County will use the services of a classification consultant to complete the work.  For the Welfare Fraud Investigator classification study only, the County will forward to the classification consultant any supporting documentation or input provided by SCLEA concurrently with the Class Study Request Form.  Consistent with the current practice when using consultants, the work will be reviewed and approved by County Human Resources prior to a final draft being released to the incumbents.  The County will meet all legal meet and confer obligations with regards to classification studies.

The parties agree that the classification study will commence within 90 days of County Human Resources’ receipt of the Class Study Request Form and any supporting documentation or input provided by SCLEA concurrently with the Class Study Request Form.  If all parties meet the agreed upon timelines established at the commencement of the study, the classification study report will be released by Human Resources within one year of commencement of the classification study.  If unique or compelling circumstances arise with any of the parties involved (SCLEA, incumbents, County, or HSD Management) that cause the timeline established at the commencement of the study to become unfeasible, the parties agree to meet and confer to establish an amended timeline.

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