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Human Resources Department

International Union of Operating Engineers, Stationary Engineers - Local 39

2023 - 2026 Local 39 Memorandum of Understanding:   Article 11: Tools and Equipment

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What’s on this Page

  • 11.1 County Provided Tools and Equipment
  • 11.2 Employee-Provided Tools
  • 11.3 Tool Replacement and Care
  • 11.4 After Duty Hours Access to Personal Tools

Read Next: Article 12: Personal Property Reimbursement

11.1 County Provided Tools and Equipment

Except as provided in Section 11.2, below, the County agrees to provide all tools, equipment and supplies reasonably necessary to bargaining unit employees for performance of employment duties.

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11.2 Employee-Provided Tools

Employees assigned to Fleet Operations, Sonoma County Fair and Exposition, Inc. or Water Agency as an Automotive Mechanic, Automotive Technician, Heavy Equipment Mechanic, Heavy Equipment Technician, Lead Automotive Technician, Lead Heavy Equipment Technician, or Welder are required to provide the tools necessary to perform all assigned work within their particular job classification. The job description for each of these classifications will be revised, as needed, to clarify that employees are required to provide the tools necessary to perform all assigned work within the job classification.

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11.3 Tool Replacement and Care

The County agrees to reimburse employees at replacement value for tools broken during normal usage or for tools stolen from the work site, subject to the following guidelines:

  1. No reimbursement is authorized for loss primarily attributable to the claimant's own negligence or carelessness.
  2. If an employee in a job classification listed in Section 11.2 wants his personally-owned tools to be insured by the County against loss or damage at work, the employee shall provide the County with an inventory of the employee’s tools, including type of tool, quantity, make and condition. The inventory shall be forwarded to the department designee and updated as the employee deems necessary. Within seven (7) working days from receiving the employee's inventory list, the County will provide written acknowledgment of receipt. The County shall not provide insurance coverage or replacement reimbursement for any damaged or stolen tool that is not on the tool inventory provided by the employee. The County will provide a copy of each employee's master tool list each year, by the first week in January, upon request.
  3. All tools must be stored in a cabinet, box, or locker with locks in good working order. All tools shall be locked prior to the employee leaving the work site.
  4. All losses shall be reported to the County in writing as soon as discovered.
  5. Cabinets and chests will be considered tools. This policy does not include electronic equipment unless it has been authorized for use by the County.  The procedures for reimbursement shall be the same as the personal property reimbursement guidelines as outlined in Board of Supervisors Resolution No. 56420 dated January 18, 1977.
  6. Non-County workers are not entitled to use the personal tools of an employee in the Bargaining Unit.

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11.4 After Duty Hours Access to Personal Tools

Employees assigned to Fleet Operations or Water Agency as an Automotive Mechanic, Automotive Technician, Heavy Equipment Mechanic, Heavy Equipment Technician, Lead Automotive Technician, Lead Heavy Equipment Technician, or Welder shall have security access to the employee's personal tools for fifteen (15) minutes after shop hours and during the employee's non duty time for the purpose of removing the employee's personal tools from the worksite. Employees removing their tools shall return them to the shop to be available their next scheduled work day.

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