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Department of Health Services

Public Health Division

Public Health Preparedness

Preparedness for public health emergencies is a major priority of the Sonoma County Department of Health Services. Public health preparedness means planning and putting in place programs to respond quickly and effectively to threats endangering the health of the public. These threats include heat emergencies or emerging diseases, such as H1N1 flu or West Nile virus.

This planning effort also includes educating our community about how to be prepared in the event of an emergency, and providing an opportunity for health professionals to serve as volunteers in our community during health-related emergencies.

The Sonoma County Department of Health Services is working with its partners in Sonoma County and at the State and Federal levels to assure the most effective response possible to these threats.

Because an important part of being prepared is having an informed community, this website is focused on providing preparedness information for the community and for health providers.

Health and Medical Disaster Planning