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Department of Health Services

Maternal, Child, and Adolescent Health

Grief and Bereavement Support


If you or someone that you know has experienced the death of an infant or a child or the loss of a pregnancy, we offer our sincere condolences. This loss can be devastating and life changing. You are not alone; grief counselors and other families who have experienced fetal demise or the death of an infant or a child are available to provide support.

Sonoma County SUID/SIDS Program education and support

What is SUID and SIDS?

Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID) is the death of an infant under one year of age that occurs suddenly and unexpectedly. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is a type of SUID that cannot be explained even after a thorough investigation.
Learn more about SUID and SIDS at the NIH Safe to Sleep website.
The Sonoma County SUID/SIDS Program can provide Safe Sleep Education for community groups and childcare providers, please call us at 800-427-8982 for more information about our safe sleep trainings.

California SIDS Program - The California SIDS Program focuses on providing education about SIDS, grief counseling, and what can be done to reduce the risk of SIDS, such as placing babies on their back to sleep.

Grief and Loss Support for families following fetal, infant or child loss

A Public Health Nurse Can Help

Public health nurses are specially trained in bereavement. Public health nurses provide home visits for grief support, information, and referrals to link families and caregivers affected by SUID/SIDS and fetal loss with resources for healing. For more information, please call us at 800-427-8982. English and Spanish speaking nurses are available.

Other Resources is dedicated to help everyone deal with the often unknown terrain that comes along with all kinds of grief. Through education, information and other helpful resources we hope to make the challenging road of grief a little easier. logo - Because love never dies

First Candle - 24-hour grief line. Grief counseling any time day or night for a family member in need.  They offer one-on-one support and access to materials and local support services. Call 1-800-221-7437 English and Spanish speakers available.
First Candle

The Compassionate FriendsFamily support after the death of a child of any age. Online support groups and private Facebook groups. Call 1-877-969-0010 English and Spanish speakers available. The Marin County Chapter offers in person meetings on the 3rd Monday of the month from 7:30 – 9:00pm at the Hillside Church at Lucas Valley. (2000 Las Gallinas Ave, San Rafael CA 94903) Email:; website:; Phone: (415) 457-3123.
Compassionate Friends

MISS Foundation - Monthly free support groups, Hope Mentors, and family support information and resource packets.
MISS Foundation

Now I lay Me Down to Sleep - Professional, volunteer photography for parents suffering the loss of a baby. Local coordinator

March of DimesMiscarriage, loss, and grief- Making a place in your heart and mind for the memories of your baby.
March of Dimes

Mothers’ Milk Bank - Breastmilk donation following loss.
Mothers Milk Bank

General Resources for Grief and Loss

Local Grief Counseling Services (all resources are free)

Service Phone
Hospice of Petaluma (707) 778-6242
Memorial Hospice (Santa Rosa) (707) 568-1094
North County Hospice (Healdsburg) (707) 431-1135
Sutter Bereavement and Grief Support (707) 535-5700 - English Only
Kaiser Bereavement Support (707) 393-3636

Grief ShareFree local grief recovery program includes video seminar, personal study, and reflection and support group discussion.
Grief Share