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Human Resources Department

Service Employees’ International Union - Local 1021 (SEIU)

SEIU Labor Negotiations Summary

Published: March 13, 2019

The County of Sonoma is committed to work toward reaching agreement with SEIU on a multi-year labor agreement, with a goal of providing employees, the public, and the County labor stability.  Listed below are the core elements of the County’s current economic proposal:

Salary Increases

  • 3% salary increase for all job classes in year 1 of the contract
  • 3% salary increase for all job classes in year 2 of the contract
  • 2-4% salary increase for all job classes in year 3 of the contract*
  • 2-4% salary increase for all job classes in year 4 of the contract*

*Based on a formula using San Francisco-Oakland-Hayward All Urban Annual Consumer Price Index (CPI-U) and the County ’s actual annual growth percentage of secured property taxes. The increase would be no less than 2% and no more than 4%.

Market/Equity Adjustments (Increases)

For the job classifications that are below the market average, based on the County ’s Total Compensation survey of comparable agencies, the hourly wage will be in increased by 50% of the amount below the market average in the first year of the contract and the other 50% in the second year of the contract.

Increased County Contributions Towards Active Employees Medical Benefits

For the medical proposal, the County has offered to set the County ’s premium contributions for the first two years of the proposed four year term of the contract to maintain the current, out-of-pocket employee cost ratio for employees in an amount that is “tied” to the most commonly enrolled HMO, which is currently Sutter Health Plus (Sutter).  Below are the proposed increased employer contribution rates as of June 2019 and June 2020 based on Sutter Health Plus as the most commonly enrolled HMO plan.

    Current June 2019 June 2020
Employee only  $629  $645.74  $678.03
Employee plus one $1,257  $1,291.60  $1,356.18
Family  $1,779  $1,827.80  $1,919.19

These proposed medical plan premium payment increases maintain the County ’s dollar amount contribution ratio to cover 100% of the premium for six of the HMO plans offered by the County.

For years three and four of the contract, the County will increase its contribution by a specific dollar amount up to the first 3% of a total premium percentage increase of the most subscribed HMO. 

Note:  The County and SEIU have also had conceptual discussions on the key economic areas presented in their respective proposals.

The parties meet again for another bargaining session on March 15, 2019.