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Human Resources Department

Service Employees’ International Union - Local 1021 (SEIU)

2023 - 2026 SEIU 1021 Memorandum of Understanding: Appendix E: Side Letter

Appendix E: Side Letter RE: Salary Administration Differential Evaluation



March 28, 2023

This side letter of agreement by and between the County of Sonoma ("County") and the Service Employees’ International Union Local 1021 ("Union"), hereinafter collectively called "the parties," confirm the parties' commitment to a differential evaluation, including but not limited to:

The parties agree that the County will evaluate fifteen (15) non-benchmark classifications over the term of the MOU for the purpose of salary administration differential evaluation. Within three (3) months of the adoption of the MOU, SEIU will submit to Human Resources the first set of eight (8) classifications. Within six (6) months of MOU adoption, SEIU will submit to Human Resources the second and final set of seven (7) classifications.

Upon launching the evaluation of each job classification, Human Resources will have at least two (2) meetings with a representative sample of incumbent staff and union representatives to gain a better understanding of the purpose and current duties of the job class being evaluated. The number and duration of meetings will be at the County’s discretion, and the size of the representative sample of incumbents will be mutually agreed upon by the County and the Union. The County will not conduct position review classification studies for appropriateness of current class or update classification specifications as part of the process.

Consistent with the methodology used when developing salary recommendations for new classifications, the County will consider comparable agency market data and internal equity when conducting its evaluation and developing recommendations. Outcomes of the evaluation may result in an increase of differentials between classifications, a decrease of differentials between classifications, moving an evaluated classification to a different benchmark, establishing an evaluated classification as a new benchmark, or no change to the current differential.

If any of the job classifications identified for evaluation have linked or tied classes, the differentials of those linked/tied classes will not be included as part of the analysis unless those classes are identified and included in SEIU’s list of classes for evaluation, or the County determines an evaluation is necessary due to concerns about how a recommendation may impact internal equity.

Upon completion of its analysis, the County will offer to meet and confer with SEIU over the recommendations with the intent of reaching an agreement on the results through a side letter process by the end of the contract term. Any changes to salary administration differentials which result in salary adjustments will go into effect upon establishment of the successor MOU.

This side letter is subject to and will be in effect during the term of the successor MOU.


            FOR THE COUNTY                                                    FOR THE UNION

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DATE:______________________                            DATE:_________________________                                           


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