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Human Resources Department

Service Employees’ International Union - Local 1021 (SEIU)

SEIU Labor Negotiations Summary

Published: April 03, 2019

The County of Sonoma and SEIU representatives conducted the parties 20th negotiations session on March 27, 2019.  In alignment with the living wage ordinance adopted by the Board of Supervisors, the County increased its salary proposal by including a living wage component designed to ensure that no entry-level pay steps for the bargaining unit are less than the $15.00 per hour.   This revision favorably impacts 416 positions in the bargaining unit.  The County also revised its medical proposal to provide a fixed County contribution for each of the 4 years of the proposed contract. 


Listed below are the core elements of the County’s current economic proposal:


Salary Increases


3% salary increase for all job classes in year 1 of the contract


3% salary increase for all job classes in year 2 of the contract


2-4% salary increase for all job classes in year 3 of the contract*


2-4% salary increase for all job classes in year 4 of the contract*


*Based on a formula using San Francisco-Oakland-Hayward All Urban Annual Consumer Price Index (CPI-U) and the County’s actual annual growth percentage of secured property taxes. The increase would be no less than 2% and no more than 4%.


Market/Equity Adjustments (Increases)


For the job classifications that are below the market average, based on the County’s Total Compensation survey of comparable agencies, the hourly wage will be in increased by 50% of the amount below the market average in the first year of the contract and the other 50% in the second year of the contract.


Living Wage Adjustments (Increases)


For the job classifications that for which the first salary step, the A step, is below $15.00 per hour, the salary scale will be adjusted as needed to bring the A step up to at least $15.00 per hour.  In order to maintain internal equity, the salaries of any classifications linked to the impacted job classifications will be adjusted at the same percentage.


Increased County Contributions Towards Active Employees Medical Benefits


The County’s medical proposal sets the County’s premium contributions for all four years of the proposed contract term.  The proposed rates would maintain the out of pocket employee cost ratio for employees in the first year, and absorb up to a 6% rate increase each subsequent year. Below are the proposed increased employer contribution rates.


  Current June 2019 June 2020 June 2021 June 2022
Employee only $629  $700  $742  $786  $834
Employee plus one $1,257  $1,400  $1,484  $1,574  $1,668
Family $1,779  $1,980  $2,100  $2,224  $2,358


The parties meet again for another bargaining session on April 5, 2019.