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Human Resources Department

Service Employees’ International Union - Local 1021 (SEIU)

2018 - 2019 SEIUMemorandum of Understanding: Article 5: Management Rights

Service Employees’ International Union

5.1 Management Rights – Recognition of

Except as limited in this Memorandum, the exclusive rights of the County shall include, but not be limited to, the right to determine the organization of County government and the purpose and mission of its constituent agencies; to set standards of service to be offered to the public; and, through its management officials, to exercise control and discretion over its organization and operations; to establish and effect administrative regulations which are consistent with law and the specific provisions of this Memorandum; to direct its employees; to take disciplinary action; to lay off its employees; to determine whether County goods or services shall be made, purchased, or contracted for; to determine the methods, means, and personnel by which the County’s services are to be provided, purchased, or contracted; to schedule and assign work and overtime; and to otherwise act in the interest of efficient service to the County and the public. The County retains its rights to assign and place volunteers in accordance with County policy.

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5.2 Contracting Out Bargaining Unit Work – Union Notice

At least 60 days prior to the Board of Supervisors taking formal action to contract out bargaining unit work represented by the Union, the Department Head will inform the County Administrator, the Human Resources Department, and the Union in writing of any substantial efforts being undertaken by the Department to consider contracting out such bargaining unit work, will share with the Union any reports on such matters (including any cost benefit analyses) addressed to the Board of Supervisors, and, upon request of the Union, will meet and discuss the contracting out proposal with the Union.

The Auditor Controller-Treasurer-Tax Collector’s Office (ACTTC) will develop a report that will list Contract Services Claims paid by the County of Sonoma. The Contract Services report will be produced monthly and sent to SEIU 1021. The ACTTC’s Office will provide the Contract Services Paid report to the best of their ability; however, the report may not contain all services paid for that SEIU would consider Contracted Out Bargaining Unit Work.

If the Board of Supervisors decides, by legislative action, to contract out any bargaining unit work, the County will send (hand delivered or by certified mail, return receipt requested) a written 90-calendar day notice to each employee represented by the Union who will lose his or her allocated position or will have his or her regular work schedule reduced as a result of the contracting out action. The County will send the Union copies of all employee notices. The 90-day notice will specify that the employee will lose his or her position or will have a reduction in work hours effective 90 calendar days from the date the employee receives the notice.

If the County should decide to lay off or reduce the work hours of an employee prior to the expiration of the 90-day notice period, the employee shall receive regular pay and benefits for the amount of the employee’s regular workdays remaining within the 90-day notice period. In the event that an employee receives a 90-day notice under this Section (5.2), the County will continue to make a reasonable effort to place the affected employee in another available position(s) within the County for which the employee is qualified consistent with applicable Civil Service Rules and other related employment requirements. In return for the foregoing, the Union agrees the County is under no obligation under state law or the County Employee Relations Policy to meet and confer with the Union over either the decision to contract out bargaining unit work or the impact to represented employees resulting from such contracting out. During the 90-day notice period, the Union and the County agree to collaboratively discuss possible options / alternatives to mitigate negative impacts on represented employees.

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