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Human Resources Department

Service Employees’ International Union - Local 1021 (SEIU)

2023 - 2026 SEIU 1021 Memorandum of Understanding: Article 26: Enactment

26 Enactment

The Board of Supervisors will amend its written policies and take other action by resolution or otherwise as may be necessary in order to give full force and effect to provisions of this memorandum. 

County of Sonoma

/s/ Richard Bolanos
Richard Bolanos

/s/ Jeremia Mills
Jeremia Mills

/s/ Ashley Nolan
Ashley Nolan

/s/ Cheryl Thibault
Cheryl Thibault

/s/ Mari Cook
Mari Cook

/s/ Michelle Hume
Michelle Hume

/s/ Keith Lew
Keith Lew

/s/ Tony Walls
Tony Walls

/s/ Zoe Bagala
Zoe Bagala

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SEIU 1021

/s/ Andrea Zanetti
Andrea Zanetti

/s/ Michael Viloria
Michael Viloria

/s/ Jana Blunt
Jana Blunt

/s/ Tracy Allen
Tracy Allen

/s/ Travis Balzarini
Travis Balzarini

/s/ Sherry Bradford
Sherry Bradford

/s/ Hannah Burns
Hannah Burns

/s/ Eleanor Campbell-Brown
Eleanor Campbell-Brown

/s/ Matthew Jensen
Matthew Jensen

/s/ Curtis Kendall
Curtis Kendall

/s/ Sonja Moug
Sonja Moug

/s/ Julia Rapkin
Julia Rapkin

/s/ Terri Serbins
Terri Serbins

/s/ Rebecca Vives
Rebecca Vives

/s/ Ross Weber
Ross Weber

/s/ Paul Foster
Paul Foster

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(Signed Document on File with Employee Relations)