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Human Resources Department

Service Employees’ International Union - Local 1021 (SEIU)

2018 - 2019 SEIUMemorandum of Understanding:  Article 10: Expenses, Materials, and Reimbursements

Service Employees’ International Union

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10.1 Tools And Equipment – Provided By County

Except as provided in Subsection 10.2 below, the County agrees to provide all tools, equipment and supplies reasonably necessary to bargaining unit employees for performance of employment duties.

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10.2 Tools And Equipment – Provided By Employee

Where the County requires an employee to provide a set of personal tools to be used in the line of duty and which appear on an itemized inventory of tools designated in writing by the appointing authority as being required to be used in work, the County agrees to reimburse employees in represented units for loss or theft of such tools to the extent authorized by Government Code Section 53240 and subject to the following restrictions and guidelines:

  1. No reimbursement is authorized for loss primarily attributable to the claimant’s own negligence or carelessness or to normal wear and tear.
  2. All affected employees required to use personal tools in their employment with the County shall inventory these tools and provide information as to type of tool, quantity, make and condition. The inventory shall be forwarded to the appointing authority and updated at least once each year, with each employee responsible to report additions or deletions as they occur.
  3. All tools must be stored in a cabinet, box, or locker with locks in good working order. All tools shall be locked prior to the employee leaving the worksite.
  4. All losses shall be reported to the appointing authority in writing as soon as discovered.
  5. Cabinets and chests will be considered tools.
  6. This policy does not include electronic equipment unless it has been authorized for use by the appointing authority.
  7. The procedures for reimbursement shall be the same as the personal property reimbursement guidelines as outlined in Board of Supervisors Resolution No. 56420, dated January 18, 1977.

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10.3 Reimbursement – Personal Property

Upon recommendation of the appointing authority, the County, in accordance with Government Code Section 53240, shall provide for payment of the costs of replacing or repairing property or prosthesis of an employee, such as eyeglasses, hearing aids, dentures, watches, or articles of clothing necessarily worn or carried by the employee when any such items are lost or damaged in the line of duty without negligence by employee. If the items are damaged beyond repair, the actual value of such items may be paid. The value of such items shall be determined as of the time of the loss thereof or damage thereto in accordance with the Personal Property Claims Guide as provided by Board of Supervisors Resolution No. 56420, dated January 18, 1977.

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10.4 Wildlife Specialist – Hunting Dogs

The parties estimate that the time the Wildlife Specialist spends in all aspects of the care, feeding, exercise, transportation to/from work and maintenance of hunting dogs on a per pay period basis is 3.5 hours. (Dogs covered herein must be properly licensed.)

The parties further agree that any time spent in excess of such time is not reasonably necessary and is unauthorized. The full compensation due to the Wildlife Specialist for the performance of the above responsibilities shall be paid as 3.5 overtime hours per pay period.

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10.5 Reimbursement – Mileage

An employee who is authorized to use a personal motor vehicle for travel required in the performance of official duty, shall be reimbursed at the current applicable federal business standard mileage rate as established by the IRS for each mile driven so long as the employee substantiates the time, place, and business purpose of the travel.

10.5.1 Employee Commute Program

County employees (full-time, part-time and extra-help) are eligible to utilize transit routes provided through Sonoma County Transit and/or Santa Rosa City Bus for the purpose of commuting to and from work, and/or on County business. This program is provided at no cost to the employee and is a qualified transportation benefit, the value of which is excluded from taxable income pursuant to the Internal Revenue Code.

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10.6 Safety Equipment And Safety Uniforms, County Issued Uniforms, Uniform Allowance, And Safety Boots / Shoes Allowance

10.6.1 County Issued Safety Equipment And Safety Uniforms

In its sole discretion, the County shall determine the protective safety equipment and safety uniforms required by County regulations, CAL OSHA, State, or Federal regulations/law for the assigned tasks. In its sole discretion, the County shall determine which classifications shall use County Issued Safety Equipment and wear Safety Uniforms as a condition of employment. The parties acknowledge that County Issued Safety Equipment and Safety Uniforms are not suitable for everyday wear outside working hours, and that employee shall use the equipment and wear the uniforms only while on duty and traveling to and from County work. Employees in the classifications required to wear County Issued Safety Uniforms shall wear the uniforms as a condition of employment while on County duty. The County shall provide that protective safety equipment and safety uniforms for use by employees in those classifications performing the assigned tasks.

10.6.2 County Issued Uniforms

For the purpose of this Section, uniforms shall be defined as any articles of clothing required as an element of a County uniform. In its sole discretion, the County shall determine which classifications shall wear uniforms as a condition of employment. The parties acknowledge that County uniforms are not suitable for everyday wear outside working hours, and that employee shall wear the uniforms only while on duty and traveling to and from County work. Employees in the classifications required to wear uniforms shall wear the uniforms as a condition of employment while on County duty.

For employees required to wear a County Issued Jacket, the County shall provide one jacket (unless otherwise specified in this Article) at the time of employment and another jacket every third year of continued employment in a classification described in this section. Employees at the Airport who are provided uniforms shall be issued two (2) uniform jackets.

The classifications described in this Section are listed in Appendix B under the heading, “Section 10.6.2 County Issues Uniforms.”  Appendix B shall be attached to and incorporated into this agreement as “Appendix B Safety Equipment and Safety Uniforms, County Issued Uniforms, Uniform Allowance, and Safety Boots / Shoes Allowance.

In the event the County determines that additional classifications shall be required to wear County Issued Uniforms, the parties agree to add those classifications to this Appendix B.

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10.6.3 Water Agency Uniforms

The County agrees to provide rented uniforms to employees in the classifications listed in Appendix B under the heading, “Section 10.6.3 Water Agency Uniforms.” Appendix B shall be attached to and incorporated into this agreement as “Appendix B Safety Equipment and Safety Uniforms, County Issued Uniforms, Uniform Allowance, and Safety Boots / Shoes Allowance.” Such uniforms shall include two (2) jackets and safety t-shirts which may be worn as an alternative to the regular uniform shirt. As a condition of employment, unit members who are provided a uniform shall wear the uniform during work hours.

The employees must return uniform(s) to the Water Agency’s designated location on a weekly or bi-weekly basis, as determined by the department for laundering. All rented uniforms will be accounted for in this process and evaluated for appropriate repairs and replacements.

The classifications described in this section are listed in Appendix B under the heading, “Section 10.6.3 Water Agency Uniforms.” Appendix B shall be attached to and incorporated into this agreement as “Appendix B Safety Equipment and Safety Uniforms, County Issued Uniforms, Uniform Allowance, and Safety Boots / Shoes Allowance.

In the event the County determines that additional Water Agency classifications shall be provided rented uniforms, the parties agree to add those classifications to this Appendix B.

10.6.4 Replacement of County Issued Uniforms, Safety Equipment or Uniforms

The County shall replace or repair worn out or damaged County issued uniforms or safety equipment or safety uniform as long as the employee remains assigned to a classification listed in Appendix  B,  Sections 10.6.2,  or 10.6.3, and is required to wear a uniform as a condition of employment. To obtain a replacement or repaired county issued uniform, safety equipment or safety uniform, the employee must turn in the worn out or damaged uniform to the designated department manager, request a replacement, and verify that the employee did not cause the damage to the County issued uniform, safety equipment or safety uniform.

10.6.5. Annual Uniform Allowance

For the purpose of this Section, uniforms shall be defined as any articles of clothing required as an element of a County uniform.  The County agrees to issue three (3) shirts to each employee in the classifications described in this Section. Additionally, the County agrees to pay full-time employees in the classifications described by this Section an annual uniform allowance in the form of a voucher in the amount of two hundred dollars ($200) as a contribution towards the purchase, repair, or replacement of required elements of a County uniform. The County agrees to pay part-time employees in the classifications described by this Section an annual uniform allowance in the form of a voucher in the amount of one hundred dollars ($100) as a contribution towards the purchase, repair, or replacement of required elements of a County uniform. The uniform allowance shall be paid annually on the first payday in October of each fiscal year.

The parties acknowledge that County uniforms are not suitable for everyday wear outside working hours, and that employee shall wear the uniforms only while on duty and traveling to and from County work. Employees in the classifications required to wear uniforms shall wear the uniforms as a condition of employment while on County duty.

The classifications described in this Section are listed in Appendix B under the heading, “Section 10.6.5 Annual Uniform Allowance.” Appendix B shall be attached to and incorporated into this agreement as “Appendix B Safety Equipment and Safety Uniforms, County Issued Uniforms, Uniform Allowance, and Safety Boots / Shoes Allowance.

In the event the County determines that additional classifications shall be provided an Annual Uniform Allowance, the parties agree to add those classifications to this Appendix B.

10.6.6 Uniform Cleaning Allowance

Group 1: The County agrees to provide full-time and part-time employees in the classifications described in this Subsection $7.30 per pay period as a contribution toward the cost of cleaning uniforms and a semi-annual uniform allowance of $93.00. The uniform allowance shall be paid semi-annually on the first payday in October and April and shall be used towards the cost of repairing and replacing uniforms.

The classifications described in this subsection are listed in Appendix B under the heading, “Section 10.6.6 Uniform Cleaning Allowance (1).” Appendix B shall be attached to and incorporated into this agreement as “Appendix B Safety Equipment and Safety Uniforms, County Issued Uniforms, Uniform Allowance, and Safety Boots / Shoes Allowance.

Group 2: Effective the first pay period following July 1, 2016, for employees in the classifications listed in Appendix B under the heading “Section 10.6.6 Uniform Cleaning Allowance (2),” the County will provide a work clothes cleaning allowance of $7.30 per pay period.

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10.6.7 Safety Boot / Shoe Allowance

In its sole discretion, the County shall determine the protective safety boots and shoes required by County regulations, CAL OSHA, State, or Federal regulations/law for the assigned tasks. In its sole discretion, the County shall determine which classifications shall wear safety boots or safety shoes as a condition of employment.

Upon initial employment and annually on the first payday in December of each fiscal year, the County shall provide an annual voucher of $225 towards the purchase of required safety boots or an annual voucher of $120 toward the purchase of required safety shoes for each employee in classifications required to wear protective safety boots or shoes while performing the assigned tasks.

The County shall not pay any additional amount of allowance for insoles, laces, or waterproof boot conditioner. However, if an employee has money left over in the safety boot / shoe allowance voucher amount, an employee may use the remaining amount for purchase of insoles, laces or waterproof boot conditioner.

The classifications described in this Section are listed  in  Appendix B under the heading, “Section 10.6.7 Safety Boot / Shoe Allowance.” Appendix B shall be attached to and incorporated into this agreement as “Appendix B Safety Equipment and Safety Uniforms, County Issued Uniforms, Uniform Allowance, and Safety Boots / Shoes Allowance.

In the event the County determines that additional classifications must wear protective safety boots or safety shoes, the parties agree to add those classifications to Appendix B.

10.6.8 Special Provisions – Uniforms And Safety Boot / Shoe

Employees must be employed a minimum of six (6) months to be eligible for any replacement benefits listed in Sections 10.6.2 - 10.6.7.

Each employee issued prescribed uniforms, allowance, safety boot / shoe voucher or safety apparel shall wear and use all items required for the employee’s specific work assignment. Any employee not in conformance with Section 10.6 may be subject to discipline and/or withholding of allowance payments.

Any employee who terminates employment with the County must return all uniform and safety apparel items to the County except safety boots / shoes (no rubber boots) and prescription safety glasses.

10.6.9 Park Ranger III – Protective Vests

If an employee in the affect classification purchase a Class II protective vest and legislation passes (which requires mandatory issue be the department upon request), the County shall reimburse the employee upon request and presentation of the original receipt. If reimbursement is given, the County shall not pay for another issue of a Class II protective vest before expiration of the warranty.

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