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Human Resources Department

Deputy Sheriff's Law Enforcement Management Unit (DSLEM)

2019 - 2023 DSLEMMemorandum of Understanding: Article 30: Association

Deputy Sheriff’s Law Enforcement Management

30.1 Paid Leave "Pool"

Upon request, the County will grant Association paid leave to Association management representative(s) to attend to Association business related to County of Sonoma representation, when such business would conflict with the work schedule of an employee representative(s). “Association business” shall mean Association Executive Board meetings, conventions, seminars or other Association events, all of which must be related to employer-employee relations and involving matters solely pertaining to the Bargaining Unit covered by this Memorandum of Understanding. When on Association business, Bargaining Unit members are on off-duty status, during which the County is not responsible for their actions. The total number of hours of Association paid leave will be 80 hours per fiscal year during the term of this Memorandum and be available for use as a pool of hours, all to be used by Association representatives. Additional release hours beyond the annual pool of paid Association leave hours may be granted by the County for Association business on an unpaid leave basis or by the employee representative requesting use of accrued vacation and/or compensatory time off. The County shall not unreasonably deny a request for paid Association business leave or unpaid leave, vacation and/or compensatory time off for Association business unless the County determines the number of Association representatives requesting time off for Association business would create an undue hardship on operational effectiveness, including excessive overtime costs to replace the absent Association representative(s). All requests for leave under this Section shall be made in writing on a form as agreed to by the parties.

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