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Human Resources Department

Labor Agreements for Deputy Sheriffs' Association (DSA)

2023 - 2026 DSA Memorandum of Understanding: Article 29: Staff Development

Return to DSA 2023-2026 MOU Table of Contents

What’s on this Page

  • 29.1 Staff Development
  • 29.2 Staff Development and Wellness Benefit Allowance Program
    • 29.2.1 Staff Development and Wellness Benefit Allowance - Amounts
  • 29.3 In-Service Training
    • 29.3.1 Payment – In-Service Training
  • 29.4 Physical Fitness
  • 29.5 Non-Grievable

Read Next: Article 30: Grievance Procedure

29.1 Staff Development

The County and Association agree that the County retains full authority to determine training needs, resources that can be made available, and the method of payment for training authorized by the County. Nothing in this subsection shall preclude the right of an employee to request specific training.

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29.2 Staff Development and Wellness Benefit Allowance Program

The Department of Human Resources shall develop, modify, implement and administer administrative/programmatic guidelines to remain in compliance with federal and/or state law, and all County policies and procedures, based on the County’s Staff Development Benefit Allowance Program Administrative Manual

Full-time and part-time (0.40 FTE and above) employees in regular allocated positions are eligible for the Staff Development and Wellness Benefit Allowance.

Through fiscal year end June 30, 2023, an eligible employee may request reimbursement for eligible expenses, upon approval of the appointing authority, and as defined in the County’s Staff Development and Wellness Benefit Allowance Administrative Program Manual.

29.2.1 Staff Development and Wellness Benefit Allowance – Amounts

Through fiscal year end June 30, 2023, as specified in the chart below, full-time and part-time eligible employees shall be entitled to the following annual benefit amounts:

Bargaining Unit

Full time


Part time


Non-supervisory (0046)



Supervisory (0047)



Total funds per fiscal year can be used for Staff Development and/or Wellness expenditures. Funds may not be carried over into next fiscal year. Use of funds is subject to approval and provisions of the Staff Development Administrative Manual and may be taxable pursuant to the Internal Revenue Code.

A maximum of 50% of the annual Staff Development and Wellness Benefit Allowance may be applied to the purchase of a laptop or personal computer, in accordance with the County’s Staff Development Benefit Allowance Program Administrative Manual. Taxability of this benefit allowance is strictly administered under the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code, as outlined in the County’s Staff Development Benefit Allowance Program Administrative Manual.

Effective July 1, 2023, as specified in the chart below, full-time and part-time eligible employees shall be entitled to the following annual benefit amounts:

Bargaining Unit

Full time


Part time


Non-supervisory (0046)



Supervisory (0047)



The Staff Development Benefit Allowance program will consist of an annual payment on the first paycheck in July of each year, so that the employee may defer some of the expenses normally incurred for staff development and wellness.

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29.3 In-Service Training

The County shall make every effort to provide a program of in-service training for employees in the Bargaining Unit designed to maintain a high standard of performance and to increase the skills of employees in the Bargaining Unit. Training courses to be attended shall have a direct bearing on the work of the employee. Attendance at training courses may be authorized by the Department Head. Decisions by Department Heads on requests by employees should be based on the following criteria: the effect the absence of the employee will have on the department’s operations and its ability to continue to provide the services and perform the functions for which it is responsible; the relationship of the subject of the program, seminar, conference or workshop to the function performed by the employee and the department, and the employee’s professional development; and the method of financing requested by the employee.

29.3.1 Payment – In-Service Training

There are three ways the expenses of the program might be paid:

BY THE COUNTY: Expenditures for travel, meals, lodging, registration and other items included annually within the department budget.

BY OTHER PUBLIC OR PRIVATE AGENCIES: Occasionally, employees receive approval for their expenditures to be paid by grants from the State or Federal governments, from private organizations or from professional organizations.

BY THE INDIVIDUAL EMPLOYEE: Occasionally, the departmental budget may not permit expenditures for certain in-service training to be paid by the County. The employee may feel that the training would be of benefit to the employee’s professional development, and therefore, would be willing to pay the expenses in whole or in part from their Staff Development and Wellness Reimbursement Allowance if the employee were permitted time off from work at full salary.

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29.4 Physical Fitness

The County and the Association agree to maintain the Physical Fitness/Wellness program for all employees covered by this Memorandum. The total annual maximum Staff Development and Wellness Benefit Allowance allowed under Section 29.2.1 is available for wellness related taxable expenses. Employee enrollment in the physical fitness program shall be voluntary for eligible employees.

Through fiscal year end June 30, 2023, an eligible employee may request reimbursement for allowable Physical Fitness/Wellness expenses as defined in the County’s Staff Development Benefit Allowance Program Administrative Manual.

Through fiscal year end June 30, 2023, DSA represented employee’s staff development/wellness funds remaining after all fiscal year reimbursements submitted have been paid will automatically be donated to the equipment and equipment maintenance fund for the DSA/DSLEM-sponsored workout rooms located in Sheriff’s Office facilities not to exceed a total fund maximum of $35,000 per workout room site. These donated funds are subject to the following requirements:

Effective fiscal year end June 30, 2024, DSA represented employees have agreed to reduce the annual staff development/wellness allowance by $100 per employee, as reflected in Section 29.2.1. In July of each year, based on the number of employees in the unit on July 1, $100 per employee will automatically be donated to the equipment and equipment maintenance fund for the DSA/DSLEM-sponsored workout rooms located in Sheriff’s Office facilities not to exceed a total fund maximum of $35,000 per workout room site. These donated funds are subject to the following requirements:


A joint labor-management committee oversees the equipment purchase and maintenance for all Sheriff’s Department workout room sites. The committee shall include up to two members appointed by DSA, and up to two members appointed by the County.


All equipment becomes the property of the County.

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29.5 Non-Grievable

Article 29 of this MOU shall not be grievable or appealable under any County Policy, resolution, rule or contract provision.

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