2019 - 2023 DSA Memorandum of Understanding: Article 16: Shift Differential Premium
16.1 Shift Premium Compensation
Deputy Sheriffs / Sergeants who work 50% or more of assigned patrol duties between the hours of 2 p.m. (1400 hours) and 6 a.m. (0600 hours) will receive an additional 5% per hour above the employee's base hourly rate for each hour actually worked after 2 p.m., up to the end of the assigned shift. Detectives in the Coroner and C.S.I. Units and Transportation Deputies who normally work during those hours are also eligible for 5% shift premium pay, as stated above.
Example: Patrol shift from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. - shift premium would apply to all hours worked after 2 p.m.
16.2 Day Shift Holdover
If such employees are held over for more than three (3) hours after the end of regularly assigned day shift and hold over is between 4 p.m. and 6 a.m., the 5% shift premium will be paid for all hours worked on hold over. If held over for three hours or less, shift premium will not apply.
16.3 Swing / Night Shifts
Employees regularly assigned to swing and night shifts will continue to receive shift differential for any hours worked beyond assigned shift.
16.4 Resident Deputies & Detectives
Resident Deputies and Detectives filling a patrol shift outside their regular Resident Deputy or Detective assignment between 2 p.m. and 6 a.m. will receive the 5% shift premium. Resident Deputies and Detectives called out during these hours (1400-0600) are not eligible to receive the 5% shift premium.