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Lets talk cannabis Let's Talk Cannabis: What Parents and Mentors Need to Know about Cannabis

Parents and mentors can have an impact on whether or not youth use cannabis (marijuana, weed, pot). Pre-teens, teens and youth in their early 20s often seek out new experiences and engage in risky behaviors, such as using cannabis.

You can help prevent underage use by starting the conversation about cannabis with youth in your life, and make sure they are aware of potential consequences.

Source: California Department of Public Health.

A compilation of accurate, science-based information that addresses the public health and safety impacts of marijuana in our community.


Marijuana: Facts Parents Need to Know
Source: National Institute on Drug Abuse.

Marijuana Talk Kit: What you need to know to talk with your teen about marijuana
Source: Partnership for Drug-Free Kids.

Marijuana Drug Facts
Source: National Institute on Drug Abuse.

Marijuana Use: Detrimental to Youth
Source: American College of Pediatricians.

Start Talking Now: Tips for talking with your kids about making healthy choices English | Spanish
Source: Washington State Dept. of Public Health. 

Addressing Youth Marijuana Use: Time - varying Effects of Parents and Peers on Adolescent Marijuana Use
Source: Social Development Research Group.

Monitoring the Future Survey: High School and Youth Trends
Source: National Institute on Drug Abuse.

Edible Marijuana Dangers: How Parents Can Prevent Pot Poisoning
Source: The American Academy of Pediatrics.

Marijuana: What Parents Need to Know
Source: The American Academy of Pediatrics.