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Department of Health Services

Public Reports

  • Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention Strategic Plan 2015-2020

    DHS has enlisted community participation in assessing Sonoma County’s AOD-related problems, identifying factors that contribute to these problems, establishing prevention goals and objectives, selecting and implementing prevention strategies, and evaluating their effectiveness. The result of this effort is a comprehensive plan that will strategically guide prevention efforts for the next five years.

  • The Quality Improvement Plan is a required element of the Quality Management Program, as specified by DHCS contract, Exhibit A Attachment 1 (relevant sections: 22-25), and by CCR Title 9, Chapter 11, § 1810.440.

  • The Quality Improvement Plan is a required element of the Quality Management Program, as specified by DHCS contract, Exhibit A Attachment 1 (relevant sections: 22-25), and by CCR Title 9, Chapter 11, § 1810.440.

  • The Quality Improvement Plan is a required element of the Quality Management Program, as specified by DHCS contract, Exhibit A Attachment 1 (relevant sections: 22-25), and by CCR Title 9, Chapter 11, § 1810.440.

  • The Quality Improvement Plan is a required element of the Quality Management Program, as specified by DHCS contract, Exhibit A Attachment 1 (relevant sections: 22-25), and by CCR Title 9, Chapter 11, § 1810.440.

  • The Quality Improvement Plan is a required element of the Quality Management Program, as specified by DHCS contract, Exhibit A Attachment 1 (relevant sections: 22-25), and by CCR Title 9, Chapter 11, § 1810.440.

  • The Quality Improvement Plan is a required element of the Quality Management Program, as specified by DHCS contract, Exhibit A Attachment 1 (relevant sections: 22-25), and by CCR Title 9, Chapter 11, § 1810.440.

  • The Department of Health Services continues to make great strides towards our vision of leading, collaborating, and succeeding in making Sonoma County the healthiest county in California.

  • In partnership with the local health system, the Department of Health Services provides a wide range of programs and services for adults, children and families, as well as services supporting community health and safety, emergency medical preparedness, disease control, and clinical services.

  • An Oral Health Assessment of Sonoma County’s Kindergarten and Third Grade Children.

  • This Strategic and Communications Plan provides common threads from our successful program work to Departmental goals and the County''s Strategic Plan, to the National Prevention Strategy.

  • All reports of syphilis infection are reviewed by health department staff and staged based on symptoms and laboratory findings (i.e. primary, secondary, early latent, late, late latent, and congenital).

  • Between 2004 and 2013, Sonoma County had an average of 12 cases of active tuberculosis (TB) diagnosed per year (range 8-21). 

  • Think teen drinking is just a "right" of passage? think again.

  • Prescription drug abuse is at epidemic levels according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In 2013, there were 43,983 drug overdose deaths in the United States, making drug overdose the number one cause of injury-related death in the United States

  • Foundational to developing a violence prevention strategy, the Violence Profile broadens our understanding of how violence affects our communities' 'health and expands the conversation beyond the criminal justice aspect of violence.