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Department of Health Services

Press Releases

June 10, 2019 | Department of Health Services

Notificación de calor:Consejos para mantenerse fresco a medida que aumentan las temperaturas

El Servicio Nacional de Meteorología pronostica temperaturas altas en toda la región y en el Condado de Sonoma en los próximos días. El clima las cálido será el lunes 10 de junio de 2019. Se espera que las temperaturas del interior alcancen los 90 grados más altos y los 100 grados más bajos, mientras que las temperaturas más cercanas a la costa se mantendrán más leves. Se predice que las temperaturas serán más frescas durante las horas de la noche. Read full story

June 07, 2019 | Department of Health Services

Heat Notification: Tips toStay Cool as Temperatures Rise

The National Weather Service is forecasting hot temperatures throughout the region and in Sonoma County over the next few days. The hottest weather will be on Monday, June 10, 2019. Inland temperatures are expected to reach the upper 90s and low 100s while temperatures closer to the coast will remain milder. Read full story

May 14, 2019 | Department of Health Services

Letter Sent to Parents on Current Measles Outbreak

In the midst of the current state and nationwide measles outbreaks, a letter informing parents on the importance of vaccinations to prevent illness was sent from Sonoma County Health Officer Dr. Celeste Philip. Read full story

May 14, 2019 | Department of Health Services

CartaEnviada a los Padres Acerca la Actualización del Brote de Sarampión

En medio de los brotes actuales de sarampión a nivel estatal y nacional, la Oficial de Salud del Condado de Sonoma, la Dra. Celeste Philip, envío una carta a los padres informándolos sobre la importancia de las vacunas para prevenir enfermedades. Read full story

May 08, 2019 | Department of Health Services

ACCESS Sonoma County Wins IBM Watson Health 2019 Advantage Award

The Accessing Coordinated Care and Empowering Self-Sufficiency (ACCESS) Sonoma County initiative received a 2019 Advantage Award from IBM Watson Health™ in the Consumer/Patient Outreach and Communications category. Read full story

April 12, 2019 | Department of Health Services

Dr. Celeste Philip Appointed Health Officer for SonomaCounty

This week Dr.Celeste Philip, MD, MPH, began serving as the County’s Health Officer after theBoard of Supervisors appointed her following an extensive nationwide search. Read full story

March 06, 2019 | Department of Health Services

El Oficial De Salud del CondadoProclama La Emergencia De Salud Local Por Los Desechos Peligrosos DeLas Inundaciones

El Oficial De Salud delCondado de Sonoma declaró una emergencia de salud local el martes debido a laescala de desechos peligrosos domésticos (HHW, por sus siglas en inglés)dispersos a lo largo de las vías acuáticas, en las carreteras, en propiedadespúblicas y privadas después de las inundaciones en el Condado por las tormentasde lluvia de la semana pasada. Read full story

March 05, 2019 | Department of Health Services

County Health Officer Proclaims Local Health Emergency for Hazardous Waste from Flooding

The Sonoma County Health Officer declared a local health emergency Tuesday due to the scale of household hazardous waste (HHW) scattered along the water ways, roadsides, and on public and private properties after flooding in the County from last week’s rain storms. Read full story

January 09, 2019 | Department of Health Services

Mobile Support Team ExpandingServices to West County and Sonoma Valley

The Sonoma County MobileSupport Team (MST), a crisis response program that supports local lawenforcement responding to individuals experiencing a mental health emergency, is expanding its services beginning January15, 2019. Read full story

December 13, 2018 | Department of Health Services

ACCESS Sonoma County Receives$1 Million Hewlett Foundation Grant

The Sonoma County safety net departments accepted a $1million grant to continue advancing the work of the Accessing Coordinated Careand Empowering Self-Sufficiency (ACCESS) Sonoma County initiative from theHewlett Foundation this week. Read full story