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Department of Health Services

Environmental Health

Tasting Room Permit Exemption

As part of the food facility operating permitapplication process, your food inspector has determined that your tasting room may qualify for an exemption.These are the steps to take to complete the permit process and submit your permit exemption application.

Participating in a Community Event?

Your tasting room permit exemption may not apply during your participation in a community event. Additional permits are required for participation in community events where the public is invited and that are two or more days in length.

Step 1: Submit Your Exemption Application

Your exemption application must include:

You will receive a Tasting Room Exemption Letter, a copy of which remain at the tasting facility and be available for review upon request.

Step 2: Maintain Your Permit Exemption

The permit exemption will be void if the sale of food or beverages that are not prepackaged or non-potentially hazardous takes place for on-site or off-site consumption. A facility plan check and a retail food facility permit is then required.