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Human Resources Department

Commission on the Status of Women

For Immediate Release

Mental Health: Increasing Awareness and Resources

Commission on the Status of Women hosts public presentation and Q&A with NAMI Sonoma County

Santa Rosa,CA | July 07, 2017

The public is invited to gain insight and understanding about mental health challenges and community resources at a presentation by the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), hosted by the County of Sonoma Commission on the Status of Women (CSW). The presentation will take place at 6 p.m., Thursday, July 13, in the Hearing Room of the Permit & Resource Management Department located at 2550 Ventura Ave., Santa Rosa, 95403.

Guest speaker Whitney Rogers, NAMI Sonoma County Peer & Family Support Manager, will discuss the local chapter’s community efforts to increase awareness of mental health challenges and eliminate stigma. NAMI strives to positively impact mental health systems, provide direct support and educational services, and offer hope to families and individuals living with mental illnesses. 

Rogers will provide insight into Sonoma County’s most prevalent mental health concerns, and address questions from CSW commissioners and members of the public who attend.

Raising awareness and providing resources for mental health and suicide prevention is one of four main initiatives CSW Sonoma County is championing through 2018 (along with affordable childcare, empowering women and intimate partner violence). 

For more information about this presentation, contact

The mission of the Commission on the Status of Women is to promote equal rights and opportunities that enhance the quality of life for all women and girls, and to address issues of discrimination and prejudice that negatively affect women in Sonoma County.
