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Human Resources Department

Commission on the Status of Women

Windsor, Commissions and Committees

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Organizations that wish to be included on this list, or wish to inform us of a change in the services provided should contact us at

Board, Commission or Committee NameDescriptionTerm
Parks and Recreation Commission
Planning Commission The Commission generally acts on matters related to planning and development. On certain matters, including use permits and subdivisions, the Planning Commission can take final action. On other matters, such as General Plan Amendments and rezonings, the Planning Commission makes a recommendation to the Town Council. All final actions of the Planning Commission may be appealed to the Town Council. 4 years
Public Art Advisory CommissionThe Commission shall serve in an advisory capacity to the Town Council and the Parks and Recreation Director or his or her designee to support the Town by establishing Windsor as an art destination that raises the potential for education, innovation, collaborative community engagement and cultural exploration. This Commission was established in 2015.4 years
Senior Citizen Advisory Commission