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Human Resources Department

Commission on the Status of Women

Rohnert Park, Commissions and Committee

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Organizations that wish to be included on this list, or wish to inform us of a change in the services provided should contact us at

Board, Commission or Committee NameDescriptionTerm
Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory CommitteeThe Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee maintains the City's Bicycle Master Plan, reviews issues concerning bicycle transportation and safety, and participates in countywide bike trail coordination efforts.
Golf Course Oversight CommitteeThe Golf Course Oversight Committee (GCOC) is a standing committee of the Parks and Recreation Commission. The Committee assists city staff in monitoring the lease agreement between the Golf Course operator and the city to insure that maintenance standards established in the lease agreement are met. The committee also provides a mechanism for public feedback, complaints and input to the golf course management, city staff, the Parks and Recreation Commission and, indirectly, to the City Council on matters relating to the operation and maintenance of Foxtail Golf Course.
Mobile Home Rent Appeals BoardThe purpose of the Mobile Home Parks Rent Appeals Board is to ensure that the Mobile Home Ordinance is administered fairly for both mobile home park residents and park owners. The overall purpose of the mobile home ordinance is to alleviate the hardship of unreasonable rent increases while still assuring owners' right to a fair return. Mobile Home Park owners and residents may file space rent petitions. If a petition is filed, the Board serves as a quasi-judicial body that issues rulings on the space rent issue.
Parks and Recreation CommissionThe Parks and Recreation Commission is a group of five community volunteers appointed by the City Council to advise them on matters relating to city parks, cultural arts and recreation facilities and services. Following the course of annual Commission goals, Commissioners work in committees to discuss regular topics such as the Aquatics Program, Dog Park, Sports and Fitness Center, Youth Sports, Parks and Facilities, or any other special issues, and bring recommendations to the entire Commission for consideration.
Planning Commission The Planning Commission is appointed by the City Council. The Commission is charged with development of the General Plan, implementation and administration of the Zoning Ordinance, and review of development applications.
Senior Citizens Advisory CommissionThe Senior Citizens Advisory Commission advises the City Council and the City Manager on all matters relating to policies and programs which will serve all senior citizens of the Rohnert Park community.
Sister Cities Relations CommitteeThe purpose of the Rohnert Park Sister Cities Relations Committee is to foster international understanding and friendship through exchanges of people, artifacts and ideas with citizens of foreign cities and to develop an increased appreciation of cultural diversity in order to better understand one's own culture. Rohnert Park's sister city is Hashimoto, Japan.
Successor Agency Oversight BoardThe City Council of the City of Rohnert Park elected to serve as successor agency to the former Community Development Commission on January 10, 2012. Each successor agency has an oversight board that supervises it. The oversight board is comprised of representatives of the local agencies that serve the redevelopment project area: the city, the county, special districts, and K-14 educational agencies. Oversight board members have a fiduciary responsibility to holders of enforceable obligations, as well as to the local agencies that would benefit from property tax distributions from the former redevelopment project area.