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Human Resources Department

Commission on the Status of Women

For Immediate Release

Commission on the Status of Women Announces Third Annual 'Women Honoring Women' Awards

Santa Rosa,CA | March 07, 2013

The County of Sonoma Commission on the Status of Women has named four recipients for the 2013 “Women Honoring Women” Awards for service to the women and girls of Sonoma County. The awards will be presented at the Third Annual Women’s History Luncheon and Scholarship Fundraiser on Sunday, March 24, 2013, 11:30 AM, at Sally Tomatoes Restaurant, 1100 Valley House Dr., Rohnert Park.

A special keynote presentation, by Detective Chris Mahurin of the Santa Rosa Police Department, will focus on Human Trafficking in Sonoma County.

Receiving an Honorary Award is Helen Rudee, the first woman elected to the County of Sonoma Board of Supervisors.

Additional award recipients include:

  • Chris Castillo, Executive Director of Verity, Sonoma County’s Rape Crisis, Trauma and Healing Center.
  • Prof. Lynn Cominsky, PhD, chair of the Physics and Astronomy Department at Sonoma State University and one of the founders of Sonoma County Expanding Your Horizons Committee which organizes an all-day conference each Spring for middle-school girls and young women to attend hands-on workshops lead by women professionals in the sciences and related fields.
  • Dana Bryant, Founder and Executive Director of Crossing the Jordan, a 12-month, residential, life transition program for women.

Tickets are $40, are tax-deductible, and 100% of the ticket price is donated to the Santa Rosa Junior College Foundation.

To purchase tickets and for information, contact the County of Sonoma Commission on the Status of Women, (707) 565-2693,

About the Women’s History Project

In 1980, the National Women’s History Project was founded in Santa Rosa, California. Recognizing the dignity and accomplishments of women leads to higher self-esteem among girls and greater respect among boys and men. The results can be remarkable, from greater achievement by girls in school to less violence against women, and more stable and cooperative communities. The Commission, in partnership with Sonoma State University, carries that legacy forward.

About the Commission

The Commission on the Status of Women is a public advisory body comprised of 15 members appointed by the County of Sonoma Board of Supervisors. Established in 1975, the purpose of the Commission is to promote equal rights and opportunities that enhance the quality of life for all women and girls and to address issues of discrimination and prejudice that negatively affect women in Sonoma County. Monthly meetings are open to the public and take place the 2nd Thursday of each month at 6:00 pm at 2550 Ventura Avenue, Santa Rosa.

For additional information visit the website at, or email
