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Salary Resolution No. 95-0926 Revised August 2023 Section 18: Other Compensation

(Amended 9/16/08, 3/19/13, 6/14/16, 7/10/18, 6/12/19)

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What’s on this Page

  • 18.1 Fees
  • 18.2 Hourly Cash Allowance (Amended 9/16/08, 7/11/23) 
  • 18.3 Appointed Department Head Allowance (Added 6/12/19)
  • 18.4 One Time, Lump Sum, Non Recurring Payment (Added 7/11/23)

Read Next: Section 19: Hours of Work

18.1 Fees

County officers and employees who may collect fees and/or other monies on behalf of the County may retain such fees only when specifically authorized by this Resolution or other resolution of the Board of Supervisors.

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18.2 Hourly Cash Allowance (Amended 9/16/08, 7/11/23)

The County shall pay each permanent full- and part-time employee, in addition to their hourly regular earning rate from the salary schedule, a cash allowance of three dollars and forty five cents ($3.45) per pay status hour that the employee is in paid status excluding overtime, up to a maximum of eighty (80) hours in a pay period (or approximately a maximum of six hundred dollars ($600.00) per month). Such hourly cash allowance is compensation for services rendered in that pay period and shall be taken into account for purposes of computing employees’ final compensation for pension purposes, as well as all usual taxation as their regular earning rate from the salary schedule. It shall not be included on the salary schedule and shall not be impacted by future increases in the salary schedule. It is not intended as a supplement toward medical, dental, or any other insurance or benefit.

Effective August 8, 2023, for employees in BU 00; BU 50; BU 51; and BU 52, the County will reduce the hourly cash allowance to $0.00 per pay status hour that the employee is in paid status, excluding overtime, up to a maximum of 80 hours in a pay period.

Effective August 30, 2023, and August 28, 2024, each regular, full time, employee hired on or before July 24, 2023, who on the last day of the pay period are in a step below the “I” step of the salary scale, shall receive a one-time, non-recurring, pensionable lump sum payment in the amount listed below:

Salary Step as of July 24, 2023

August 30, 2023

August 28, 2024

A step:



B step:



C step:



D step:



E step:



F step:



G step:



H step:



The above amount shall be prorated for eligible part time employees based on their allocated full-time equivalent (FTE) as of the last day of the pay period.

The one-time payment will be subject to all applicable federal, state and local tax withholdings.  The payment will not be included in wages for computations of overtime, benefits or for any other purpose.

In consideration for the foregoing, for employees in BU 00; BU 50; BU 51; and BU 52, the County has agreed to increase the I step of the salary scale of each job classification identified in Appendix A by $3.45/hour as set forth in Article 7.1 (Salaries).

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18.3 Appointed Department Head Allowance (Added 6/12/19)

Effective June 4, 2019 each regular, full-time, appointed Department Head hired on or after January 1, 2013 who reports directly to the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors, the Board of Commissioners of the Sonoma County Community Development Commission, the Board of Directors of the Sonoma County Water Agency, the Board of Directors of the Sonoma County Agricultural Preservation and Open Space District, and/or the County Administrator, who do not qualify for pension reciprocity pursuant to Government Code Section 7522.02(c), shall receive 2.5% of base hourly rate for each pay period with hours in a paid status. The allowance will be pro-rated based on allocated FTE for part-time employees. This allowance is subject to all applicable federal, state, and local tax withholdings and is not included in wages for computation of overtime or other benefits.

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18.4 One Time, Lump Sum, Non Recurring Payment (Added 7/11/23)

Effective the pay period that begins July 11, 2023, for pay date August 2, 2023, each regular, full time, active employee in Administrative Management, Department Heads, and Elected Department Heads shall receive a one time, lump sum, and non-recurring payment in the amount of two thousand dollars ($2,000).  This payment applies to those employees that are employed on July 11, 2023, and will be prorated based on allocated FTE.

The one-time payments will be subject to all applicable Federal, State and local tax withholdings.  The payments will not be included in wages for computations of overtime and benefits or for any other purpose.

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