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Salary Resolution No. 95-0926 Revised August 2023 Section 6: Boards and Commissions

(Amended 6/12/19)

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What’s on this Page

  • 6.1 Retirement Board
  • 6.2 Meeting Compensation - BZA, LAFCO, Planning Commission, and Civil Service Commission (Amended 6/12/19) 
  • 6.3 Assessment Appeals Board (Amended 6/12/19)
  • 6.4 Other Boards and Commissions
  • 6.5 Mileage and Expenses - Boards
  • 6.6 Recruitment and Retention Bonus
  • 6.7 Candidate Travel Reimbursement

Read Next: Administration of Salary Schedule

6.1 Retirement Board

Each member of the Retirement Board shall receive one hundred dollars ($100) for each meeting attended by each member, provided that employees and Elected Officials of the County of Sonoma shall not receive such compensation, and that the maximum compensation which any member of the Retirement Board shall receive in one month shall not exceed five hundred dollars ($500) per Government Code Section 31521.

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6.2 Meeting Compensation - BZA, LAFCO, Planning Commission, and Civil Service Commission (Amended 6/12/19)

Each member of the Civil Service Commission, the Board of Zoning Adjustment (BZA), the Board of Building Appeals, the Planning Commission, and the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) shall receive one hundred twenty-five dollars ($125) for each half day and two hundred fifty dollars ($250) for each full day for each meeting day attended. A member of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Sonoma who serves as a member or alternate member of the Local Agency Formation Commission shall not receive such compensation.

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6.3 Assessment Appeals Board (Amended 6/12/19)

Each member of the Assessment Appeals Board and Assessment Hearing Officer shall receive two hundred and fifty dollars ($250) for each full day meeting of said board attended by the member. Half-day meetings shall be compensated at the rate of one hundred and twenty five dollars ($125), and shall be scheduled only to conduct deliberations on appeals under submission, to conclude hearings which could not be completed within one calendar day, or in the event there are too few appeals scheduled to fill a regular calendar day.

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6.4 Other Boards and Commissions

Other Boards and Commissions shall be compensated as provided by resolution of the Board of Supervisors.

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6.5 Mileage and Expenses - Boards

In addition to the amounts provided above, as reimbursement for use of any motor vehicle not owned by the County, each member of the boards and commissions referenced in Section 6 above, shall receive the sum per mile which is allowed by this Resolution to officers, deputies and employees of the County for each mile actually and necessarily traveled in performance of official duties, and such additional reimbursement for actual expenses as shall be provided by resolution of the Board of Supervisors.

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6.6 Recruitment and Retention Bonus

With the recommendation of the Director of Human Resources and the County Administrator, the Board of Supervisor’s may designate by resolution a recruiting and retention bonus for difficult to recruit and retain classifications when there is a tight labor market for the class, more than one vacancy exists, and/or previous recruitments have been unsuccessful.

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6.7 Candidate Travel Reimbursement

  1. With the recommendation of the Director of Human Resources and the appointing authority, the County Administrator may authorize the Auditor to reimburse certain travel expenses for finalist candidates for selection interviews. The reimbursement may cover airfare, automobile mileage or rental fee up to the value of the equivalent airfare, and hotel costs, up to a maximum of $1,000. The travel must be of more than 200 miles from Santa Rosa and have the pre-approval of the County Administrator’s Office to qualify for this reimbursement.
  2. Candidates for department head recruitments and select senior management recruitments, as determined by the County Administrator, will be reimbursed for airfare, automobile mileage or rental fee up to the value of the equivalent airfare, and hotel costs at the oral interview stage and at subsequent final selection interviews with the appointing authority. The reimbursement will be based on the lowest cost airfare available and the County will select the hotel with reasonable rates. The reimbursement for these individuals will be based on the actual allowable costs incurred.

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