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County Administrator's Office

Public Reports

Administrative Support & Fiscal Services

Report Title Description Department or Agency
Audit Reports Auditor - Controller Treasurer - Tax Collector maintains audit reports on a variety of subjects. Auditor - Controller Treasurer - Tax Collector
Boards, Commissions, Committees, Councils and Task Forces

This is a list of all regular and ongoing boards, commissions, and committees to which the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors solely appoints members, or in a joint effort with other governmental bodies appoints members.

Board of Supervisors

Budget Reports

Annually, the County Administrator’s Office, in conjunction with all County Departments, works to develop a sound operating plan for the County of Sonoma for the approaching fiscal year.

County Administrator’s Office
Financial Reports The information presented below is a brief summary of the county's governmental fund type revenues and expenditures. (Governmental funds include the general, special revenue, and debt service funds.) Auditor - Controller Treasurer - Tax Collector
State and Federal Legislative Program Sonoma County has engaged with legislative advocates at the State and Federal level, resulting in the accomplishment of legislative priorities and positioning Sonoma County to receive significant financial resources. Board of Supervisors

Development and Other Services

Report Title Description Department or Agency
Agricultural Crop Report The crop report focuses on our county´s apple industry, an indelible and nostalgic reminder of our county´s agricultural identity and heritage. Department of Agriculture Weights & Measures
Capital Project Plan The overall Capital Project Plan is a compilation of several individual Five-Year Capital Project Plans. Each individual plan is developed by a corresponding department or agency for improvements to the facilities and infrastructure that department or agency is responsible to maintain and operate. General Services
General Plan 2020 Sonoma County General Plan 2020 is a revision of the previous General Plan which was adopted in 1989, and supersedes and replaces that document.  The primary purpose of the revised plan was to conduct a policy review which focused upon specific issues that were of paramount importance to the community. Permit and Resource Management Department
Demographic, Workforce and Education Reports This document contains important information about Sonoma County´s residents and communities. Economic Development Board

Parks Map & Guide

Index of maps for Regional Parks' marinas, campgrounds, trails and parks.

Regional Parks

SoCo Data Our goal is to provide open access to data for research and analysis, to spur innovation through the creation of new business opportunities and applications, to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of government services, and for all to learn more about Sonoma County. Information Services Department

Health and Human Services

Report Title Description Department or Agency
A Portrait of Sonoma County A Portrait of Sonoma County, released on May 20, 2014, is an in-depth look at how the residents of Sonoma County are faring in three fundamental areas: life expectancy, education, and income. Health Services
Annual Report 2014 2015 will continue to be a productive year for the Department of Health Services, and we look forward to many more exciting achievements as we continue our march towards becoming the healthiest county by 2020. Health Services
Restaurant Inspections All food facilities are inspected once or twice per year. Typically inspections are not scheduled or announced. The inspection criteria used by our food inspectors is outlined in the field inspection guide. Health Services

Justice Services

Report TitleDescriptionDepartment or Agency
Sonoma County Grand Jury ReportsThe Sonoma County Grand Jury Final Report resulted from more than 18,000 hours of dedicated service by jury members.Sonoma County Civil Grand Jury