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County Administrator's Office

Budget Reports

Annually, the County Administrator’s Office, in conjunction with all County Departments, works to develop a sound operating plan for the County of Sonoma for the approaching fiscal year.

This plan is initially approved by the Board of Supervisors to provide for operations in the new fiscal year until the books of the old fiscal year are closed. At that point, a series of adjustments are drawn up to reflect the actual ending/beginning balances for each of the funds the County maintains and actual progress on multi-year projects already underway.

The Board of Supervisors then holds public hearings on the recommended budget and any recommendations for adjustments. Staff compiles the approved adjustments and any other Board direction during the hearings and the result is the adopted budget for the year.

Fiscal Year 2024-25 Budget Materials

Fiscal Year 2024-25 Adopted Budget

Budget Hearing Materials

Fiscal Year 2024-25 Fee Hearings

Fee hearings will be conducted on March 26, 2024. Materials for the hearings are found below.

1. Summary
2. Agriculture/Weights and Measures
3. Criminal Justice Administration Fees
4. Health Services
5. Permit Sonoma
6. Regional Parks
7. Sonoma Public Infrastructure
8. Sheriff's Office

Fiscal Year 2023-24 Budget Materials

Fiscal Year 2023-24 Adopted Budget

Budget Hearing Materials 

Fiscal Year 2023-24 Fee Hearings

Fee hearings will be conducted on March 21, 2023.  Materials related to these hearings can be found here.

Fiscal Year 2022-23 Budget Materials

Budget Hearing Materials 

Fiscal Year 2022-23 Consolidated Fee Hearing

The Fiscal Year 2022-23 Consolidated Fee Hearings are occurring on March 22, 2022 at 1:30pm.  Details for all items can be found here:

Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Community Funding Requests

Community organizations may request funding using the form below. Submit completed forms to Supervisors’ District Staff by April 7, 2022.

Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Budget Materials

Accessibility Assistance with the following documents: For assistance, please contact the Sonoma County Administrator's Office at (707) 565-2431, fax your request to (707) 565-3778, utilize TDD at (707) 565-2241, or utilize the California Relay Service by dialing 711. You may also view these documents in hard copy at the Sonoma County Administrator’s Office located at 575 Administration Drive Suite 104A in Santa Rosa, CA 95403.

SoCo Budget

Explore SoCo Budget

SoCo Budget is an interactive tool to explore the County's annual operating budget.

Public Reports

Audit Reports, Citizen's Reports, Crop Reports, General Plan and more.

See Public Reports

Archived Budget Reports

Budget Hearing Materials Fiscal Year 2021-2022

Fiscal Year 2020-2021

Budget Hearing Materials – September 8-11, 2020

Fiscal Year 2019-2020

Fiscal Year 2018-2019

Fiscal Year 2017-2018

Fiscal Year 2016-2017

 Fiscal Year 2015-2016