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Board of Supervisors Department

Board of Supervisors Assignments 2025 Regional Boards & Committees

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Association of Bay Area Governments

Acts as the official planning agency for the SF Bay region, with a mission to strengthen cooperation among local governments.

Meets every other month the third Thursday.

Supervisor Assignments

(Note: 2 year term 7/1/2024-6/30/2026) 

Bay Area Air Quality Management District

Committed to attaining and maintaining air quality standards, increasing public awareness of positive air quality choices, developing and implementing protocol and policies for environmental justice.

Meets monthly the first and third Wednesday at 9:45 AM.

Supervisor Assignments

(Note: 4 year term 1/6/25-1/6/29)

Northern Sonoma County Air Pollution Control District

The Board of Directors (BOD) is responsible for district governance and policy for the implementation of local, state and federal air quality regulations. The BOD appoints hearing board members to oversee appeals and supervises an executive officer (the Air Pollution Control Officer) who manages permits, compliance, and other district business.

Unique to calendar year 2017, the BOD is newly-recomposed, including seats added for city representatives (Healdsburg, Cloverdale and Windsor). First BOD meeting will adopt bylaws and address fundamental district business matters.

Meets every other month or as needed.

Note: 1 year terms.
Supervisors from Districts 4 and 5 will have default assignments on the District BOD.  

Supervisor Assignments

Bay Conservation Development Commission

Dedicated to the protection and enhancement of San Francisco Bay and its responsible use. Primary activities are planning the protection, enhancement, and restoration of wetlands; protecting wetlands, and balancing the protection of wetlands against other often high priority objectives.

Meets monthly the first and 3rd Thursday. 

Supervisor Assignments

Eel Russian River Commission

Promotes proper watershed conservation and flood control measures, and promotes public and private economic development activities in the Eel and Russian River watersheds for the general benefit of the citizens in the participating counties of Humboldt, Mendocino and Sonoma.

Meets as needed no more than 3 times per year.

Supervisor Assignments

Golden Gate Bridge District

Operates the Golden Gate Bridge and two public transit systems with a mission to provide safe and reliable operation, maintenance and enhancement of the Golden Gate Bridge and to provide transportation services, as resources allow, for customers within the U.S. Highway 101 Golden Gate Corridor.

Meets monthly the second and fourth Friday.

Supervisor Assignments

(Note: 2 year term - 1/2025-1/2027)

North Bay North Coast Broadband Consortium Oversight Board

Regional broadband planning consortium consisting of Sonoma, Mendocino, Marin and Napa counties to work collaboratively to address regional broadband problems and enhance the County’s ability to attract future grant funding for broadband deployment and adoption projects.

Creation Date: 7/29/2014

Meets quarterly.

Supervisor Assignments

North Bay Watershed Association

A group of 15 regional and local public agencies located throughout Marin, Sonoma, and Napa counties whose mission is to facilitate partnerships across political boundaries that promote stewardship of the North Bay watershed resources.

Meets monthly the first Friday.

Supervisor Assignments

North Bay Water Reuse Authority - Sonoma County Water Agency Representative

Cooperative program in the North San Pablo Bay region that promotes sustainability and environmental enhancement by expanding use of recycled water.

Meets quarterly the third Monday.

(Note: No official term) 

Supervisor Assignments

North Bay Water Reuse Authority - Sonoma Valley County Sanitation District Representative

Cooperative program in the North San Pablo Bay region that promotes sustainability and environmental enhancement by expanding use of recycled water.

(Note: No official term) 

Meets 5 times a year the third Monday of January, March, May, August and November.

Supervisor Assignments

North Coast Resource Partnership

Coalition of Tribes and counties working together on integrated regional planning and project implementation to enhance natural resources, built infrastructure, local economies and community health in the north coast of California.

Seven counties and North Coast Tribes comprise the leadership of the North Coast Resource Partnership (NCRP). Participating counties include: Del Norte County, Humboldt County, Mendocino County, Modoc County, Siskiyou County, Sonoma County, Trinity County.

Note: The Board makes 2 appointments, do not need to be Board members. Per Sonoma Water, commitment requires hard work and long road trips to Yreka and Eureka.

Meets 4 times per year (January/April/July/October).

Supervisor Assignments

Northern California Counties Tribal Consortium

The Board of Supervisors for Napa, Solano, and Sonoma Counties formed this consortium to develop a common approach and strategy to address the off-reservation impacts of tribal gaming.

Supervisor Assignments

Public Policy Facilitating Committee

Created when the Sonoma County Water Agency, the National Marine Fisheries Service, the United States Army Corps of Engineers and the Mendocino Russian River Flood Control and Water Conversation Improvement District began a Section 7 consultation-a federal process, spelled out in the Endangered Species Act – on the Russian River project.

The agencies were consulting on three listed fish species and meet annually or biannually to receive updates and information as the Biological Opinion is implemented.

Meets once per year.

Supervisor Assignments

Community Advisory Board of the San Francisco Bay Water Transit Authority

Assists and advises the WETA Board of Directors in carrying out its functions as a regional agency with responsibility for establishing and operating a comprehensive Community Advisory Board of the San public water transportation system that Francisco Bay Water Transit Authority connects communities, reduces congestion, and provides an emergency response capability.

Members are primarily elected officials from around the bay area. WETA was established by SB 976, and replaces the WTA (Water Transit Authority). The intention of SB 976 is to improve the ability of ferries to respond in an emergency. SB 1093 provides additional detail regarding WETA's mandate.

(No official term)

Supervisor Assignments

Russian River Watershed Association

An association of nine cities, counties and special districts in the Russian River Watershed that have come together to coordinate regional programs for clean water, fisheries restoration and watershed enhancement, and to promote cooperation and implementation of projects that protect watershed resources, restore fisheries and improve water quality at reduced cost to taxpayers.

Meets monthly the fourth Thursday.

Supervisor Assignments

Sonoma/Marin Area Rail Transit II Board of Directors

A passenger rail project located in San Francisco’s North Bay providing rail service along 70 miles of the Northwestern Pacific Railroad alignment. Provides an alternative to Highway 101 traffic by upgrading the existing rail line and building a new bicycle/pedestrian pathway linking the 14 rail stations.

Meets monthly the third Wednesday.

(Note: 4 year term - 1/2025-1/2029)

Supervisor Assignments

Great Redwood Trail Agency

The Great Redwood Trail Agency (GRTA) is a local agency established to develop and manage the Great Redwood Trail in Humboldt, Mendocino and Trinity counties.

(Note: 2 year term - 1/2025-1/2027)

Supervisor Assignments