Board of Supervisors Department
- Biography
- Responsibilities
- Key Topics & Links
- West County Services Center
- Big news for water security and environmental justice, tackling invasive broom - plus a chance to share feedback about County storm communication and response - 2.20.25
- Flood Recovery, Government Accountability, Public Art Grant, Forestville Park, Immigrant Support, Local Coastal Plan, Measure I Advisory Council Forming - 2.6.25
- 2025 Goals, Public Art Grants, Well & Septic, Tenant Rights, General Plan Update - 1.22.25
- BOS calendaring meeting, flood map update, community policing survey, west county service center, housing and more - 1.8.25
- MAC Meetings, School Unification Feasibility Report, We Take Care of Us Resource Recap, Ag & Open Space matching grants awarded for community spaces in Graton, Guerneville & Occidental - 12.11.24
- Emergency Update: Latest forecast, road closures, sandbags, and shelter availability
- We Take Care of Us Virtual Town Hall, Storm Forecast, Prescribed Burning, Commission and Advisory Council Vacancies, and more! 11.20.24
- Veterans Day, Election, Nov MAC meetings, MEHKOs, Housing Lottery, LCP at Coastal Commission, College Application Workshop
- Vote! Wastewater Solutions, Transportation Needs, EIFD, Youth Voice, Black Cod Week - 10.22.24
- River MAC, Black Cod Week, General Plan Update - 10-9-24
- Infrastructure Priorities, Mental Health Resource Fair, Neighborhood Radio Network, Airport Community Workshop - 9.24.24
- Sea Otters, Enhanced Infrastructure Financing District (EIFD), River Cleanup and more - 9.9.24
- Expanded mental health services, skatepark improvements, renters' rights, Guerneville sidewalks, landline service & upcoming events 8.22.24
- River MAC, Cafecito, Renters Rights, Human Rights Commissioner, Groundwater 8.6.24
- General Plan Board Workshop Tuesday, MAC Applicants Sought for terms beginning 2025 7.22.24
- MAC Meetings, Park Rangers, Wellness, Household Hazardous Waste Collection - 7.10.24
- Emergency | Red Flag Warning & Heat Advisory - 7/1/24
- Hwy 116 Closure in Forestville, Community Spaces, Sewer Bill Assistance, Housing Vouchers - 6/27/24
- River MAC tomorrow, Pride, Septic Systems, Parks - 6/12/24
- Tree Ordinances, Public Safety, Support for Youth, Sanitation Rate Relief, Wildflowers 5/28/24
- Public Safety, Roads, Guerneville Plaza, Library - 5/15/24
- Fishing community update - 4/23/24
- Lower Russian River Governance Solutions Updates - 4/6/24
- Women's History Month in Sonoma County - 3/13/24
- New Leadership for 2024, Supervisor Hopkins Elected Vice Chair - 2/28/24
- It has been a wild, wet two weeks in West County! - 2/8/24
- Grand Opening of the 5th District Satellite Office Hub - 1/9/24
- The State of the world, the country, the County - 12/19/23
- Tree Ordinance Update - 12/4/23
- District 5 Staffing Update - 11/17/23
- Return your ballots for your new MAC representative(s) by October 31 - 10/27/23
- Call for Bike and Pedestrian Input - 10/11/23
- October 2: Roads Work Update - 10/2/23
- News from the 5th District - 9/19/23
- LCP and Coast Protection - 7/11/23
- Open Appointments + River MAC + Roads Detour + Governance - 7/10/23
- Moscow Rd, LCP, Public Safety, and BOS Actions - 6/13/23
- June 8 River MAC Agenda & Free Chipper Program
- LCP, Coast MAC Agenda Change & County News - 5.17.23
- LCP and Elderberry Commons Meetings and Updates - 4/12/23
- Tax and grant help for homeowners - 4/10/23
- Atmospheric River & River MAC Postponed - 3/8/23
- Vacation Rentals, Broadband, Infrastructure and more - 3/6/23
- Return to In-person meetings - Roads and River MAC - 2/14/23
- Housing Element, Roads, Governance Meetings - February 1, 2023
- Governance Workshop February 4 and MAC meetings updates - Jan 27, 2023
- Wet, Windy & Wild in West County - Jan 3. 2023
- December 2022 Good News - December 13, 2022
- July MAC and Good News! July 18th, 2022
- July Newsletter July 5th, 2022
- June News and MAC June 13, 2022
- May Community News May 12th 2022
- April Newsletter April 1, 2022
- Hot Topics January 25, 2022
- January News January 3, 2022
- Town Halls - Disaster Prep and Occidental/Graton Sewer June 20, 2021
- June Newsletter June 11, 2021
- May Newsletter June 1, 2021
- May Newsletter May 13, 2021
- COVID Assistance / Community Meetings April 29, 2021
- COVID opening and State June 15 date April 7, 2021
- Shelter In Place Health Order March 17, 2020
- COVID-19 Emergency Declared March 2, 2020
- 5th District Updates February 29, 2020
- Addressing Homelessness - News from the 5th District - January 15, 2020
- Keeping Cool this Holiday Weekend, September 1st, 2022
- West County Progress - December 21, 2022
- Municipal Advisory Councils
- Community Investment Fund Grant
- Tourist Impact Fund (TIF) Grant
- Area Map
- Demographics
- News
- Back to Board of Supervisors - District 5
Lynda Hopkins 2024 Responsibilities
The Board of Supervisors of the County of Sonoma is charged with the responsibility of establishing policy to guide the various functions of the County and, where necessary, to establish procedures by which functions are performed.
Ad-Hoc Committees
Unincorporated Governance
Provide input to staff to explore options to improve the delivery of governance services that are either lacking or insufficient in the unincorporated areas.
Supervisor Hopkins' Role: Member
Code Enforcement
Review code enforcement practices and suggest policies to facilitate solutions to common problems
Supervisor Hopkins' Role: Member
Countywide Assignments
Master Plan for Aging Oversight Committee
Serve as the steering committee for the Master Plan for Aging initiative.
Supervisor Hopkins' Role: Alternate
Emergency Council
To study, revise and recommend to the Board of Supervisors for adoption the Sonoma County Emergency Plan. Additionally, the council reviews and recommends action upon all proposed mutual aid agreements with the United States, State of California, other political subdivisions, corporations, and groups or individuals. The Emergency Council also reviews and recommends the adoption of such ordinances, resolutions, rules and regulations as may be necessary to implement the County Emergency Plan or other mutual aid agreement entered into pursuant to such plan.
Supervisor Hopkins' Role: Primary
Mental Health Board
The Mental Health Board acts as a community focal point for mental health issues by reviewing & evaluating the community’s mental health needs, services, facilities, & special problems. It advises the Board of Supervisors & the Behavioral Health Director regarding any aspect of local mental health programs.
Supervisor Hopkins' Role: Primary
North Coast Air Basin Control District
Air districts are grouped by air basins which represent an air shed. Northern Sonoma County belongs to the North Coast Air Basin along with Mendocino County Air Quality Management District (AQMD) and the North Coast Unified AQMD. By statute, these Districts are members of the North Coast Air Basin Control Council (BCC).
A representative from Lake County Air Pollution Control District also participates through an MOU. The purpose of the BCC is to work with the Districts to coordinate all air pollution control activities and programs to best serve the public and ensure that the North Coast Air Basin is, or will be, in compliance with the requirements of State and Federal law.
Supervisor Hopkins' Role: Alternate
Renewal Enterprise District JPA
A Joint Powers Authority (JPA) will govern the RED with the initial governing Board consisting of two elected officials each from the County of Sonoma and the City of Santa Rosa.
The initial RED JPA will be limited to a 24-month pilot phase.
Supervisor Hopkins' Role: Alternate
Sonoma Clean Power Authority
Sonoma Clean Power (SCP) is the new, locally controlled electricity provider in Sonoma County. SCP provides residential and business customers across the county the option of using environmentally friendly power, generated by renewable sources, like solar, wind and geothermal. At competitive rates.
SCP is a non-profit agency, independently run by the nine Sonoma County cities and the County, which represents unincorporated communities.
Supervisor Hopkins' Role: Primary
Sonoma County Transportation Authority / Sonoma County Regional Climate Protection Authority
Sonoma County Transportation Authority serves as the coordinating and advocacy agency for transportation funding for Sonoma County and is governed by a twelve member Board of Directors who work to maintain and improve the transportation network.
Sonoma County Regional Climate Protection Authority improves coordination on climate change issues and establish a clearinghouse for efforts to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The RCPA is made up of the same Board of Directors as the SCTA and includes representatives from each of the nine cities in Sonoma County and the Board of Supervisors.
Meets monthly the second Monday.
Supervisor Hopkins' Role: Primary
Sonoma Valley County Sanitation District
The Mayor of the City of Sonoma, the chair and first district supervisor of Sonoma Water's Board of Director act as the District's Board.
Upstream Investments
Chartered by the Board of Supervisors to understand the antecedents to criminal behavior and to identify upstream interventions that reduce downstream criminal justice costs.
Meets every other month. No reoccurring days.
Supervisor Hopkins' Role: Alternate
Zero Waste Sonoma
The Sonoma County Waste Management Agency, formed in April 1992, is the joint powers authority of the nine incorporated cities and the County of Sonoma. The mission of the Agency is waste diversion required by State law AB939. The Agency's programs include household hazardous waste, composting, wood waste recycling, planning and education
Supervisor Hopkins' Role: Alternate
Regional Assignments
Bay Area Air Quality Management District
Committed to attaining and maintaining air quality standards, increasing public awareness of positive air quality choices, developing and implementing protocol and policies for environmental justice.
(Note: 4 year term 1/6/25-1/6/29)
Meets monthly the first and third Wednesday at 9:45 AM.
Supervisor Hopkins' Role: Primary
Northern Sonoma County Air Pollution Control District
The Board of Directors (BOD) is responsible for district governance and policy for the implementation of local, state and federal air quality regulations. The BOD appoints hearing board members to oversee appeals and supervises an executive officer (the Air Pollution Control Officer) who manages permits, compliance, and other district business.
Unique to calendar year 2017, the BOD is newly-recomposed, including seats added for city representatives (Healdsburg, Cloverdale and Windsor). First BOD meeting will adopt bylaws and address fundamental district business matters.
(Note: 1-year terms)
Supervisors from Districts 4 and 5 will have default assignments on the District BOD.
Meets every other month or as needed.
Supervisor Hopkins' Role: Primary
Eel Russian River Commission
Promotes proper watershed conservation and flood control measures, and promotes public and private economic development activities in the Eel and Russian River watersheds for the general benefit of the citizens in the participating counties of Humboldt, Mendocino and Sonoma.
Meets as needed no more than 3 times per year.
Supervisor Hopkins' Role: Alternate
Eel-Russian Project Project Authority - Sonoma County Water Agency
Supervisor Hopkins' Role: Alternate - Sonoma County Water Agency
North Bay North Coast Broadband Consortium Oversight Board
Regional broadband planning consortium consisting of Sonoma, Mendocino, Marin and Napa counties to work collaboratively to address regional broadband problems and enhance the County’s ability to attract future grant funding for broadband deployment and adoption projects.
Meets quarterly.
Supervisor Hopkins' Role: Alternate
North Coast Resource Partnership
Coalition of Tribes and counties working together on integrated regional planning and project implementation to enhance natural resources, built infrastructure, local economies and community health in the north coast of California. Seven counties and North Coast Tribes comprise the leadership of the North Coast Resource Partnership (NCRP). Participating counties include: Del Norte County, Humboldt County, Mendocino County, Modoc County, Siskiyou County, Sonoma County, Trinity County.
Meets 4x / year in January, April, July and October
Supervisor Hopkins' Role: Primary
Public Policy Facilitating Committee
Created when the Sonoma County Water Agency, the National Marine Fisheries Service, the United States Army Corps of Engineers and the Mendocino Russian River Flood Control and Water Conversation Improvement District began a Section 7 consultation – a federal process, spelled out in the Endangered Species Act – on the Russian River project.
The agencies were consulting on three listed fish species and meet annually or biannually to receive updates and information as the Biological Opinion is implemented.
Meets once per year.
Supervisor Hopkins' Role: Primary
Russian River Watershed Association
An association of nine cities, counties and special districts in the Russian River Watershed that have come together to coordinate regional programs for clean water, fisheries restoration and watershed enhancement, and to promote cooperation and implementation of projects that protect watershed resources, restore fisheries and improve water quality at reduced cost to taxpayers.
Meets monthly the fourth Thursday.
Supervisor Hopkins' Role: Primary
State Assignments
Rural Counties Representatives of California
RCRC works with its membership to advocate on behalf of rural issues at the state and federal levels.
Supervisor Hopkins' Role: Alternate
Golden State Finance Authority
GSFA is a local housing finance authority and a duly constituted public entity and agency, organized in 1993 and existing under and by virtue of Title 1 of the Government Code of the State of California (Articles 1-4 of Chapter 5 of Division 7).
GSFA has supported affordable homeownership in California for over two decades, providing homeownership programs featuring competitive interest rates and down payment assistance.
Supervisor Hopkins' Role: Alternate
Golden State Connect Authority
Expand broadband in rural counties through the pursuit of technical assistance and funding for member counties; and, Install and operate open-access, municipal broadband infrastructure, starting with select initial locations and then expanding to additional project areas.
Supervisor Hopkins' Role: Alternate