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David Rabbitt 2024 Responsibilities

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The Board of Supervisors of the County of Sonoma is charged with the responsibility of establishing policy to guide the various functions of the County and, where necessary, to establish procedures by which functions are performed.

Ad-Hoc Committees

Onsite Wastewater Treatment System (OWTS)

Work with Permit Sonoma and County Counsel on: (i) the Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems (OWTS) regulations; and (ii) evaluate options for allowing composting toilets. Engage with stakeholders.

Supervisor Rabbitt's Role: Member

Potter Valley

Work with Sonoma Water staff to explore options related to the future of the Potter Valley Project and Russian River water supply reliability and resiliency. Potential continuation will be reviewed during the Board discussion of ad hocs and assignments at the beginning of each year as needed.

Supervisor Rabbitt's Role: Member

Fire Services

Supervisor Rabbitt's Role: Member

See Ad-Hoc Committee assignments for all Supervisors

Countywide Assignments

Emergency Council

To study, revise and recommend to the Board of Supervisors for adoption the Sonoma County Emergency Plan. Additionally, the council reviews and recommends action upon all proposed mutual aid agreements with the United States, State of California, other political subdivisions, corporations, and groups or individuals. The Emergency Council also reviews and recommends the adoption of such ordinances, resolutions, rules and regulations as may be necessary to implement the County Emergency Plan or other mutual aid agreement entered into pursuant to such plan.

Supervisor Rabbitt's Role: Primary

Mental Health Board

The Mental Health Board acts as a community focal point for mental health issues by reviewing & evaluating the community’s mental health needs, services, facilities, & special problems. It advises the Board of Supervisors & the Behavioral Health Director regarding any aspect of local mental health programs. Each Sonoma County Supervisor can appoint three representatives.

Supervisor Rabbitt's Role: Primary

Remote Access Network Board 

The Remote Access Network Board (RAN) board shall determine the placement of RAN equipment within the county or counties, and coordinate acceptance, delivery, and installation of RAN equipment. The board shall also develop any procedures necessary to regulate the ongoing use and maintenance of that equipment, adhering to the policy guidelines and procedures adopted by the department. (California Penal Code Sections 11112.1-11112.7)

(Typically the Criminal Justice Services Functional Group Liaison)

Meets as needed.

Supervisor Rabbitt's Role: Primary

Renewal Enterprise District JPA

A Joint Powers Authority (JPA) will govern the RED with the initial governing Board consisting of two elected officials each from the County of Sonoma and the City of Santa Rosa.

The initial RED JPA will be limited to a 24-month pilot phase.

Supervisor Rabbitt's Role: Primary

Santa Rosa Enhanced Infrastructure Financing District (2P)

The City of Santa Rosa Council adopted a Resolution of Intention to establish the City of Santa Rosa Enhanced Infrastructure Financing District (Downtown Business Corridor) (EIFD). EIFD law requires the establishment of a Public Financing Authority (PFA) to serve as the governing body of the EIFD. The PFA must, through a series of public hearings, develop an Infrastructure Financing Plan (IFP) that outlines the EIFD’s investment program including the fiscal impacts to participating jurisdictions.

Supervisor Rabbitt's Role: Primary

Sonoma County Indian Gaming Local Community Benefit Committee

Established by State statute, the LCBC is comprised of representatives from the County Board of Supervisors, the City of Healdsburg, and the Dry Creek Band of Pomo Indians, and is charged with selecting grants to be funded through the local Tribal Casino Account. LCBC meets one or two times per year, when funds are allocated by the State.

Supervisor Rabbitt's Role: Primary

Sonoma County Transportation Authority / Sonoma County Regional Climate Protection Authority

Sonoma County Transportation Authority serves as the coordinating and advocacy agency for transportation funding for Sonoma County and is governed by a twelve member Board of Directors who work to maintain and improve the transportation network. 

Sonoma County Regional Climate Protection Authority improves coordination on climate change issues and establish a clearinghouse for efforts to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The RCPA is made up of the same Board of Directors as the SCTA and includes representatives from each of the nine cities in Sonoma County and the Board of Supervisors.

Meets monthly the second Monday.

Upcoming Meetings

Supervisor Rabbitt's Role: Primary

Sonoma Valley County Sanitation District

Board Chair and 1st District Supervisor required members.

Supervisor Rabbitt's Role: Primary

Water Advisory Committee

Advises the Agency’s Board of Directors on policy and fiscal matters affecting the Water Contractors, and helps make decisions regarding water supply issues in the Agency’s service area. Members of the WAC are appointed by their respective city council or board, and represent the major cities and water districts that receive water via the Sonoma County Water Agency’s aqueduct system. Alternate shall serve only in the absence of the primary representative.

Meets every 3 months on the 1st Monday.

Supervisor Rabbitt's Role: Primary

See Countywide assignments for all Supervisors

Regional Assignments

Association of Bay Area Governments

Acts as the official planning agency for the SF Bay region, with a mission to strengthen cooperation among local governments.

Meets every other month on the third Thursday.

Supervisor Rabbitt's Role: Primary

Bay Conservation Development Commission

Dedicated to the protection and enhancement of San Francisco Bay and its responsible use.  Primary activities are planning the protection, enhancement, and restoration of wetlands; protecting wetlands, and balancing the protection of wetlands against other often high priority objectives.  

Meets monthly first and third Thursday.

Supervisor Rabbitt's Role: Alternate

Golden Gate Bridge District

Operates the Golden Gate Bridge and two public transit systems with a mission to provide safe and reliable operation, maintenance and enhancement of the Golden Gate Bridge and to provide transportation services, as resources allow, for customers within the U.S. Highway 101 Golden Gate Corridor. 

Meets monthly the second and fourth Friday.

Supervisor Rabbitt's Role: Primary 

North Bay Watershed Association

A group of 15 regional and local public agencies located throughout Marin, Sonoma, and Napa counties whose mission is to facilitate partnerships across political boundaries that promote stewardship of the North Bay watershed resources. 

Meets monthly the first Friday.

Supervisor Rabbitt's Role: Alternate

North Bay Water Reuse Authority – Sonoma County Water Agency Representative 

Cooperative program in the North San Pablo Bay region that promotes sustainability and environmental enhancement by expanding use of recycled water. 

Meets quarterly the third Monday.

Supervisor Rabbitt's Role: Primary

North Bay Water Reuse Authority – Sonoma Valley County Sanitation District Representative

Cooperative program in the North San Pablo Bay region that promotes sustainability and environmental enhancement by expanding use of recycled water.

Meets five times a year on the third Monday of January, March, May, August and November.

Supervisor Rabbitt's Role: Primary

Northern California Counties Tribal Consortium 

The Board of Supervisors for Napa, Solano, and Sonoma Counties formed this consortium to develop a common approach and strategy to address the off-reservation impacts of tribal gaming. 

Supervisor Rabbitt's Role: Primary

Community Advisory Board of the San Francisco Bay Water Transit Authority

Assists and advises the WETA Board of Directors in carrying out its functions as a regional agency with responsibility for establishing and operating a comprehensive Community Advisory Board of the San public water transportation system that Francisco Bay Water Transit Authority connects communities, reduces congestion, and provides an emergency response capability.

Members are primarily elected officials from around the bay area. WETA was established by SB 976, and replaces the WTA (Water Transit Authority). The intention of SB 976 is to improve the ability of ferries to respond in an emergency. SB 1093 provides additional detail regarding WETA's mandate.

Supervisor Rabbitt's Role: Primary

Sonoma/Marin Area Rail Transit II Board of Directors 

A passenger rail project located in San Francisco’s North Bay providing rail service along 70 miles of the Northwestern Pacific Railroad alignment.  Provides an alternative to Highway 101 traffic by upgrading the existing rail line and building a new bicycle/pedestrian pathway linking the 14 rail stations. 

Meets monthly third Wednesday.

Supervisor Rabbitt's Role: Primary  

See Regional assignments for all Supervisors

State Assignments

Petaluma Valley Groundwater Sustainability Agency

Formed to sustainably manage groundwater in the Petaluma Valley groundwater basin. 

Supervisor Rabbit's Role: Primary

Sonoma Valley Groundwater Sustainability Agency

Formed to sustainably manage groundwater in the Sonoma Valley groundwater basin.

Supervisor Rabbit's Role: Primary

See state assignments for all Supervisors