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Chris Coursey 2024 Responsibilities

Chris Coursey, District 3, Sonoma County Board of Supervisors 750

The Board of Supervisors of the County of Sonoma is charged with the responsibility of establishing policy to guide the various functions of the County and, where necessary, to establish procedures by which functions are performed.

Ad-Hoc Committees

South Santa Rosa Annexation

Work with staff to develop the scope and budget of a potential Moorland Annexation project to bring back to the Board of Supervisors and provide direction to staff in relation to working with the City of Santa Rosa and County departments on this project.

Supervisor Coursey's Role: Member

See Ad-Hoc Committee assignments for all Supervisors

Countywide Assignments

Health Action

Identifies priority health and health care issues and develops specific recommendations on local approaches to promote the health of our community and improve the health care delivery system.

Meets quarterly on the first Friday.

Supervisor Coursey's Role: Primary

Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO)

A separate government agency established by state law to oversee orderly development of the county related to the boundaries of local governments. LAFCO can approve or deny annexations or changes to these boundaries and can make determinations allowing the provision of services by a local government outside of its boundary.

Meets monthly the first Wednesday.

Supervisor Coursey's Role: Alternate

Renewal Enterprise District JPA

A Joint Powers Authority (JPA) will govern the RED with the initial governing Board consisting of two elected officials each from the County of Sonoma and the City of Santa Rosa.

The initial RED JPA will be limited to a 24-month pilot phase.

Supervisor Coursey's Role: Primary

Santa Rosa Enhanced Infrastructure Financing District (2P)

The City of Santa Rosa Council adopted a Resolution of Intention to establish the City of Santa Rosa Enhanced Infrastructure Financing District (Downtown Business Corridor) (EIFD). EIFD law requires the establishment of a Public Financing Authority (PFA) to serve as the governing body of the EIFD. The PFA must, through a series of public hearings, develop an Infrastructure Financing Plan (IFP) that outlines the EIFD’s investment program including the fiscal impacts to participating jurisdictions.

Supervisor Coursey's Role: Primary

Sonoma County Employee Retirement Association (SCERA)

Sonoma County Employee Retirement Association -  Sixth Trustee Position (qualified elector)

Per provisions in the County Employees Retirement Law, the appointment of the fourth, fifth, sixth, and ninth trustees of the Retirement Board are to be members of the local community who are not connected with County government in any capacity, except that one of them may be a member of the Board of Supervisors, and they shall be appointed by the Board of Supervisors.

Meets the fourth Thursday of the month at 8:30 a.m.

Supervisor Coursey's Role: Primary

Sonoma County Homeless Coalition

The goal of Home Sonoma County is to achieve functional zero homelessness in Sonoma County through utilization of a Housing First strategy. Through Sonoma County’s homeless system of care, persons experiencing homelessness will be connected to permanent housing as quickly as possible possible by strategically targeting Rapid Re-housing and Permanent Supportive Housing as resources.

Supervisor Coursey's Role: Primary

Sonoma County Indian Gaming Local Community Benefit Committee

Established by State statute, the LCBC is comprised of representatives from the County Board of Supervisors, the City of Healdsburg, and the Dry Creek Band of Pomo Indians, and is charged with selecting grants to be funded through the local Tribal Casino Account. LCBC meets one or two times per year, when funds are allocated by the State.

LCBC meets one or two times per year, when funds are allocated by the State.

Supervisor Coursey's Role: Alternate

Sonoma County Transportation Authority / Sonoma County Regional Climate Protection Authority 

Sonoma County Transportation Authority serves as the coordinating and advocacy agency for transportation funding for Sonoma County and is governed by a twelve member Board of Directors who work to maintain and improve the transportation network.

Sonoma County Regional Climate Protection Authority improves coordination on climate change issues and establish a clearinghouse for efforts to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The RCPA is made up of the same Board of Directors as the SCTA and includes representatives from each of the nine cities in Sonoma County and the Board of Supervisors.

Meets monthly the second Monday.

Upcoming Meetings

Supervisor Coursey's Role: Primary

Upstream Investments

Chartered by the Board of Supervisors to understand the antecedents to criminal behavior and to identify upstream interventions that reduce downstream criminal justice costs.

Meets every other month. No reocurring days.

Supervisor Coursey's Role: Primary

See countywide assignments for all Supervisors

Regional Assignments

North Bay North Coast Broadband Consortium Oversight Board

Regional broadband planning consortium consisting of Sonoma, Mendocino, Marin and Napa counties to work collaboratively to address regional broadband problems and enhance the County’s ability to attract future grant funding for broadband deployment and adoption projects.

Meets quarterly.

Supervisor Coursey's Role: Primary

Public Policy Facilitating Committee

Created when the Sonoma County Water Agency, the National Marine Fisheries Service, the United States Army Corps of Engineers and the Mendocino Russian River Flood Control and Water Conversation Improvement District began a Section 7 consultation – a federal process, spelled out in the Endangered Species Act – on the Russian River project. The agencies were consulting on three listed fish species and meet annually or biannually to receive updates and information as the Biological Opinion is implemented.

Meets once a year.

Supervisor Coursey's Role: Primary 

Sonoma/Marin Area Rail Transit – Board of Directors

A passenger rail project located in San Francisco’s North Bay providing rail service along 70 miles of the Northwestern Pacific Railroad alignment.  Provides an alternative to Highway 101 traffic by upgrading the existing rail line and building a new bicycle/pedestrian pathway linking the 14 rail stations.

Meets monthly the third Wednesday.

Supervisor Coursey's Role: Primary

See regional assignments for all Supervisors

State Assignments

Santa Rosa Plain Groundwater Sustainability Agency

Formed to sustainably manage groundwater in the Santa Rosa Plain groundwater basin.

Supervisor Coursey's Role: Primary

See state assignments for all Supervisors