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Parking Administration and Adjudication

The Sonoma County Auditor-Controller-Treasurer-Tax Collector's Office is no longer handling collection and administration services for parking enforcement. These duties have been transfered to Sonoma County Public Infrastructure. The information below has been corrected to align with Sonoma County Public Infrastructure's new adminsitrative procedures. 

Sonoma County Public Infratstructure handles administration services for parking tickets issued by a variety of agencies throughout Sonoma County. The agencies this division collects for are:

  • Sonoma County General Services
  • Sonoma County Sheriff
  • Regional Parks
  • Spring Lake, Regional Parks
  • CHP Sonoma County
  • Sonoma County Airport

If your ticket is not from one of the agencies listed above, please contact the citing agency directly with any questions.


Payments must be made within 21days of the date the citation was issued. If the payment is not received on time, a late fee will be applied at the discretion of the citing agency. 

  • To pay your citation by phone with a credit card, please call 1-888-207-5718
  • To pay your citation online with a credit card, please visit and select “Make a payment.”
  • To pay your citation by mail with a check or money order, please mail the citation and the citation amount to:
    Parking Citation Services Center
    Post Office Box 11923
    Santa Ana, CA 92711

Please note: If paying by credit or debit card a processing fee will be added and payable to our processing company.

As set forth in CVC 40220, the Processing Agency will allow payment plan options for people with unpaid parking tickets who can provide proof of indigency. You may enroll your citations in a monthly payment plan within 120 days of issuance, or within 10 days of an administrative hearing determination. The timeline for completion and minimum monthly amounts due are based in the total amount enrolled in a payment plan. There may be a processing fee for payment plans. If approved, all late fees will be removed from the citation(s) and the Agency will set up an payment agreement for the responsible individual to pay outstanding parking tickets owed within a maximum of 24 months. Individuals who fall out of compliance with the payment plan have 45 days to resume before the Agency reassigns late fees and files a hold with the DMV. For more information, please call (866) 353-5867 or click on the link and follow the instructions for Payment Plans.

Contesting a Citation

You may contest a citation within twenty-one (21) calendar days from the date the citation was issued, or within fourteen (14) days from the date of the mailed Notice of Delinquent Parking Violation letter. To do so please visit and select “Contest Citation.” 

You may also print and complete the Contesting Form and mail it to:

Request for Citation Review
Parking Citation Services Center
Post Office Box 11923
Santa Ana, CA 92711

By submitting a completed contesting form, a hold is put on your citation until it can be reviewed. Once processed a written decision will be mailed to the address provided on the review form. If the citation is dismissed, no further action is needed. If the citation is upheld, the fine will be due 21 calendar days from the date of the letter. If citation is upheld and you wish to appeal the decision, the directions to do so will be included with the decision. You have 21 calendar days from the date of the letter to submit the decision for appeal with a hearing officer. 

Citations Eligible for Fine Reduction

If you are cited for either of the violations listed below, you may qualify for a fine reduction. 

  • CVC 5204 - Expired Tags
  • CVC 5200 - Missing Plates

To qualify for a reduction, you must show proof of correction within 30 days of the date the citation was issued. Your violation correction will need to be inspected and signed by an officer or an authorized member of our Parking Administrative Unit by appointment.

Should you have any questions, contact the Parking Administration and Adjudication at (707) 565-1113.