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Central Collections

Established in 1972, the Central Collections unit maximizes Sonoma County’s revenue by collecting delinquent accounts. These accounts include Unsecured Delinquent Taxes, Public Defender Fees, Probation Accounts, Human Services Overpayments, Health Services Accounts, and Abatement Penalties & Permit Fees, along with other types of collections which are occasionally referred by other County departments as necessary. Revenue recovered by Central Collections is credited back to the originating department.

Collection Agents review and evaluate delinquent accounts to determine effective collection methods. They also perform follow-up contacts to ensure payment of accounts.  When necessary, Central Collections also pursues legal action to recover public funds.

Contact Information

The Central Collections Unit can be contacted for assistance using the information below during normal business hours, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.