Underground Utilities Projects
Sonoma Public Infrastructure's offices are now located at 400 Aviation Blvd, Suite 100, Santa Rosa, CA 95403.
PG&E has two major efforts focused on undergrounding electric distribution lines: the 10,000-mile undergrounding program and Rule 20. The 10,000-mile undergrounding program is focused on reducing wildfire risk and is utility-driven. Rule 20 work is done under provisions of the company's Rule 20A, an electric tariff filed with the California Public Utilities Commission, and does not require projects to address wildfire risk. TPW acts as liaison between the utilities and property owners within an established underground utility district.
For more information on PG&E Electric Rule 20, you can find the program manual here.
Latest News - Rule 20 Project Updates
November 2023 Freestone Project Commencement
The project start date is November 6, 2023, and the contractor has been in contact regarding traffic flow. Vehicles should expect some delays, as the roads will be reduced to a single lane in the various work zones. Freestone Street and El Camino Bodega are subject to periodic road closure; however, property owners will have access at all times.
October 2023 – Larkfield Estates Project Update
Coastland Engineering will provide engineering and surveying service for the Larkfield Estates Underground Utility District No. 1 (Rule 20B project). Survey work is tentatively set to begin by the end of 2023. Residents in the project area will receive notification from the surveyor prior to entering the property.
March 2023 - Freestone Project Schedule Update
The Freestone Rule 20A undergrounding project located along the Bohemian Highway and Freestone Street and construction is expected to start later this year, with the full project completion expected in early 2024. Please note, work schedules are tentative and subject to change due to weather, access and permitting, among other factors.