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Sonoma Public Infrastructure

Penngrove Traffic Study

Sonoma Public Infrastructure's offices are now located at 400 Aviation Blvd, Suite 100, Santa Rosa, CA 95403.


The Penngrove Traffic Study (Study) was undertaken to address longstanding concerns of Penngrove area residents pertaining to traffic conditions, particularly related to regional cut-through traffic on Petaluma Hill Road, Main Street, Adobe Road and Old Redwood Highway and all associated concerns regarding travel speeds, safety and delays to emergency services. Specific concerns have also arisen related to school traffic as students are dropped off/picked up from Penngrove Elementary School.


Sonoma County's Department of Public Infrastructure initiated the Study as part of efforts to identify potential improvements that address traffic congestion, mobility, safety and regional growth. Sonoma County is committed to finding solutions that respond to community concerns about traffic and safety on roadways within Penngrove. 

Penngrove Traffic Study Report (03 July 2024)

Penngrove Traffic Study Appendices (03 July 2024)

Questions, comments or concerns can be sent to