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September 14, 2021 Timeline Calendar

California Gubernatorial Recall Election

Note: This timeline calendar only covers local election dates; for dates specific to the gubernatorial recall, please visit the Secretary of State’s September 14, 2021, California Gubernatorial Recall Election webpage.

Start Date Deadline Event
5/26/2021 Signatures in lieu of filing fee open
5/26/2021 Candidate nominations filing period opens
6/16/2021 9/14/2021 24-hour campaign finance reporting period ($1,000 or more)
6/18/2021 Deadline for officer whose recall is being sought to file Statement of Qualifications
6/18/2021 Consolidation deadline 
6/18/2021 Deadline for governing bodies to submit measures 
6/18/2021 Tax rate statement deadline (bond measures) 
6/21/2021 Measure letter assignments 
6/22/2021  Signatures in lieu of filing fee deadline 
6/23/2021 Deadline for governing bodies to amend/withdraw measures 
6/25/2021 Impartial analysis due (for county, school, and special district measures)*
6/25/2021 Argument deadline (for county, school, and special district measures)* 
7/1/2021 Candidate nominations filing period closes
7/2/2021 Rebuttal deadline (for county, school, and special district measures)* 
7/2/2021 Random alphabet drawing
7/16/2021 First day ballots may be mailed to voters registered as military/overseas
7/31/2021 Deadline for ballots to be mailed to all voters registered as military/overseas as of this date
7/31/2021† Deadline for semi-annual (1/1/2021 through 6/30/2021) and/or quarterly (4/1/2021 through 6/30/2021) campaign finance statements (per Cal. Code Regs., Section 18531.5(c)(3), a committee established by an officeholder who is the subject of a recall must file quarterly until the semi-annual period in which the recall election is held)
8/5/2021 First day County Voter Information Guides may be mailed
8/5/2021 Deadline for 1st pre-election campaign finance statement (7/1/2021 through 7/31/2021)
8/16/2021 Voting by mail opens; first day Vote-by-Mail ballots can be picked up at Registrar of Voters Office
8/16/2021 First day Registrar of Voters may begin to process Vote-by-Mail ballots
8/29/2021 9/14/2021 County of Sonoma 24-hour campaign finance reporting period ($500 or more)
8/30/2021 Standard voter registration deadline
8/31/2021 Conditional (a.k.a. late) voter registration period opens
9/2/2021  Deadline for 2nd pre-election campaign finance statement (8/1/2021 through 8/28/2021)
9/7/2021 Last day to request a ballot be mailed
9/14/2021 Election Day (polls open 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.) 
9/14/2021  Conditional (a.k.a. late) voter registration period closes at 8 p.m.
9/21/2021 Last day Registrar of Voters Office can accept Vote-by-Mail ballots postmarked no later than 9/14/2021
10/14/2021 Deadline to certify election results

*For impartial analysis, argument, and rebuttal deadlines for municipal measures, contact the town/city clerk’s office. 

†For these event deadlines that fall on a Saturday, Sunday, or County holiday, use the next regular business day for transactions. County holidays during this period include: May 31, 2021 (Memorial Day), July 5, 2021 (Independence Day - Observed); and September 6, 2021 (Labor Day).