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June 7, 2022, Election

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  • Campaign Guide
    • Office Qualifications and Requirements
      • Nonpartisan Offices
        • County (Elected Countywide)
          • Auditor-Controller-Treasurer-Tax Collector

Term of Office

The Auditor-Controller-Treasurer-Tax Collector serves a 4–year term beginning at noon on January 2, 2023.

Government Code §24200



A candidate for Auditor-Controller-Treasurer-Tax Collector shall:

  • be a registered voter and otherwise qualified to vote for that office at the time nomination papers are issued; and
  • not have been convicted of a felony involving accepting or giving, or offering to give, any bribe, the embezzlement of public money, extortion or theft of public money, perjury, or conspiracy to commit any of those crimes, or for being an official interested in contracts, or becoming a vendor or purchaser at sales, or purchasing scrip of other evidences of indebtedness, in which the official has financial interest; and
  • possess at least one of the following certificates, credentials or qualifications from each section below:
    • Section 1 - Qualifications for Auditor-Controller:
      1. a valid certificate issued by the California Board of Accountancy showing the person to be, and a permit authorizing the person to practice as, a certified public accountant or as a public accountant; or
      2. a baccalaureate degree from an accredited university, college, or other four-year institution, with a major in accounting or its equivalent, and have served in a senior fiscal management position in a county, city, public agency, private firm, or non-profit organization, dealing with similar fiscal responsibilities, for a continuous period of not less than three years, within the last five years; or
      3. a certificate issued by the Institute of Internal Auditors showing the person to be a designated professional internal auditor, with a minimum of 16 college semester units, or their equivalent, in accounting, auditing, or finance; or
      4. have served as county auditor, chief deputy county auditor, or chief assistant county auditor for a continuous period of not less than three years;
    • **AND**

    • Section 2 - Qualifications for Treasurer-Tax Collector:
      1. have served in a senior financial management position in a county, city, or other public agency, dealing with similar financial responsibilities for a continuous period of not less than three years, including, but not limited to, treasurer, tax collector, auditor, auditor-controller, or the chief deputy or an assistant in those offices; or
      2. possess a valid baccalaureate, masters, or doctoral degree from an accredited college or university in any of the following major fields of study: business administration, public administration, economics, finance, accounting, or a related field, with a minimum of 16 college semester units, or their equivalent, in accounting, auditing, or finance; or
      3. possess a valid certificate issued by the California Board of Accountancy, showing that person to be, and a permit authorizing that person to practice as, a certified public accountant; or
      4. possess a valid charter issued by the Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts showing the person to be designated a Chartered Financial Analyst, with a minimum of 16 college semester units, or their equivalent, in accounting, auditing, or finance; or
      5. possess a valid certificate issued by the Treasury Management Association showing the person to be designated a Certified Cash Manager, with a minimum of 16 college semester units, or their equivalent, in accounting, auditing, or finance; or
      6. have continuously held the office of county treasurer, county tax collector, or county treasurer-tax collector since December 31, 1997.
Elections Code §§20, 201
Government Code §§1097, 26945, 27000.7


Filing Requirements

Filing Fee

The non-refundable filing fee is payable to the Registrar of Voters, and must be paid at the time the candidate takes out nomination petitions. 

The filing fee for Auditor-Controller-Treasurer-Tax Collector is $2,467.81.


Signatures-in-Lieu of Paying Filing Fee

A candidate may submit petitions containing signatures of registered voters to cover all, or any pro-rata portion, of the filing fee. The petition-in-lieu form may be obtained from any county elections official beginning January 3, 2022. The petitions must be filed with the county elections official in the county where circulated no later than the close of business on February 9, 2022, and prior to obtaining a Declaration of Candidacy. Circulators shall be 18 years of age or older.

The number of signatures-in-lieu needed to cover the full cost of the filing fee for Auditor-Controller-Treasurer-Tax Collector is 5,024.

Any registered voter may sign an in-lieu-filing-fee petition for any candidate for whom he or she is eligible to vote.

Elections Code §§100(a), 102, 8104(b), 8105(a), 8106(a)(4), 8106(a)(6), 8106(b)(1), 8106(b)(4)


Nomination Documents and Procedures

Declaration of Candidacy

Each candidate is required to file a Declaration of Candidacy between February 14, 2022, and March 11, 2022. The Declaration shall be obtained from the office of the county elections official. The Declaration of Candidacy must be executed in the office of the elections official unless the candidate, in a written statement signed and dated by the candidate, designates a third party to obtain the Declaration from the county elections official and deliver it to the candidate. Such written statement shall state that the candidate is aware the Declaration must be properly executed and delivered to the county elections official from whom it was obtained not later than the close of business on March 11, 2022.

If an incumbent, eligible to be elected, fails to file a Declaration of Candidacy by the close of business on March 11, 2022, any person, other than the person who was the incumbent on March 11, 2022, may file a Declaration of Candidacy not later than the close of business on March 16, 2022.

Elections Code §§10510, 10516


Nomination Petitions

Each candidate is required to file a Nomination Petition between February 14, 2022, and March 11, 2022, containing at least 20 and no more than 40 signatures of registered voters in the jurisdiction. Each section of the Nomination Petition shall be delivered to the county elections official of the county where circulated, not later than the close of business on March 11, 2022. Circulators shall be 18 years of age or older. Note: Signatures submitted in lieu of paying the filing fee, which meet the requirements of this section, may be designated to satisfy this requirement.

Elections Code §§100, 102, 106(a), 8020, 8041, 8061, 8062(a)(2), 8063, 8066, 8068, 8106(d)


Statement of Qualifications (Optional)

Any candidate for local nonpartisan office may submit a Statement of Qualifications to be printed in the County Voter Information Guide. Statements must be filed at the same time nomination papers are filed and may be withdrawn, but not changed, until 5:00 p.m. the next regular business day after nominations close. Statements are confidential until nominations (or extended nominations) for that particular office close and then become public record.

Statements shall be limited to a recitation of the candidate’s own personal background and qualifications, and shall not in any way make reference to other candidates for that office or to another candidate’s qualifications, character, or activities.

Elections Code §§13307, 13308, 13311


Statement of Economic Interests (Form 700)

Government Code §87300 requires every agency to adopt a Conflict of Interest Code. A Conflict of Interest Code is a document that designates the positions within an agency, which make or participate in making governmental decisions that may have a foreseeable material effect on any financial interest.

Each candidate must file a Statement of Economic Interests (Form 700) not later than the final filing date for the Declaration of Candidacy. Elected officials must also file Statements of Economic Interests within (30) days after assuming office, annually, and within (30) days of leaving office. If an individual is appointed to an office, he or she must file not more than (30) days after assuming office. Under certain conditions, the Statement of Economic Interests need not be filed if such a statement was filed within (60) days prior to the filing of a Declaration of Candidacy or the date of assuming office.

Government Code §§87200 et seq.


Voluntary Code of Fair Campaign Practices (Optional)

At the time an individual files his or her Declaration of Candidacy, Nomination Petition, or any other paper evidencing an intention to be a candidate for public office, the county elections official shall give the individual a copy of the Code of Fair Campaign Practices and a copy of the provisions of Chapter 5, Division 20 of the Elections Code.

Elections Code §20440


California Political Cyberfraud Abatement Act

As defined in Elections Code §18320 it is unlawful for a person, with intent to mislead, deceive, or defraud, to commit an act of political cyberfraud.

Elections Code §18320


Campaign Committee Filing Obligations

See General Information on Campaign Filing Obligations in this guide or the appropriate Fair Political Practices Commission Manual.
