Public Reports
The Probation Department is committed to continuous improvement and the implementation of Evidence Based Practices to change offender behavior and protect public safety. These Evaluation and Performance Reports document Probation’s efforts and progress in improving programming and enhancing public safety.
November 2024
Service Provider Outcomes Report 2022-2023
October 2024
This report shares accomplishments, outcomes, and challenges shared by Juvenile Probation service providers during the 2022-2023 fiscal year.
Sonoma County Juvenile Hall Average Daily Population
June 2024
Graph showing Sonoma County Juvenile Hall Average Daily Population by Month. Averages are in the 40s in 2019, dip to the teens during the pandemic, and are in the 50s and 60s since the pandemic.
APPROVED SB 823 Juvenile Justice Realignment Plan
April 2024
Welfare & Institutions Code Section(s) 1990-1995 establish the Juvenile Justice Realignment Block Grant program for the purpose of providing county-based care, custody, and supervision of youth who are realigned from the state Division of Juvenile Justice or who would otherwise be eligible for commitment to the Division of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) prior to its closure. The Juvenile Justice Realignment Plan describes the facilities, programs, placements, services, supervision and reentry strategies that are needed to provide appropriate rehabilitative services for realigned youth who formerly would have gone to DJJ.
APPROVED SB 823 Juvenile Justice Realignment Plan
April 2023
Welfare & Institutions Code Section(s) 1990-1995 establish the Juvenile Justice Realignment Block Grant program for the purpose of providing county-based care, custody, and supervision of youth who are realigned from the state Division of Juvenile Justice or who would otherwise be eligible for commitment to the Division of Juvenile Justice prior to its closure. The Juvenile Justice Realignment Plan describes the facilities, programs, placements, services, supervision and reentry strategies that are needed to provide appropriate rehabilitative services for realigned youth who formerly would have gone to DJJ. (PDF: 314 kB)
Juvenile Recidivism Analysis
January 2023
This report presents findings from a recidivism analysis of youth under supervision of the Sonoma County Probation Department. The analysis utilizes methodologies that examine recidivism for youth while on supervision as well as after supervision ends. (PDF: 1.32 MB)
Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Annual Report 2022
January 2023
In 2003, the Federal Prison Elimination Act passed, and following the development of Juvenile Facility Standards in June of 2009, the act became effective on August 20, 2012. The act is intended to “…provide for the analysis of the incidence and effects of prison rape in federal, state and local institutions…” (Prison Rape elimination Act, 2003). (PDF: 131 kB)
Sonoma County JMHCP Expansion Grant Evaluation
September 2022
An external evaluator – Resource Development Associates (RDA) Resource – conducted an evaluation of the Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program (JMHCP) Expansion Grant project. The grant, awarded by the Bureau of Justice Assistance, funded a program to support people living with mental health challenges to be released from jail during their pretrial period and to receive treatment and other services in the community, including supportive transitional housing services. (The JMHCP program is continuing past the end of the grant using funds from other sources.)
Sonoma County Probation Department's Day Reporting Center: Summary Report 2015-2020
June 2022
This summary report of the Sonoma County Day Reporting Center (DRC) presents information on the background and design of the DRC. It includes the available data on programs, participation, and participant demographics from January 2015 through December 2020.
2021 Sonoma County Pretrial Annual Report
May 2022; revised July 2022
Description: The 2021 Annual Report provides a detailed overview of the Sonoma County Pretrial Services program and presents program data on the booking, assessment and release processes, in addition to key program outcomes. The report focuses on the Pretrial Pilot period during which Sonoma County received funding from the Judicial Council of California to expand and strengthen the program (July 2020 - December 2021), with additional trend data going back to July 2015 also included.
Sonoma County AB 109 Adult Community Supervision Process Evaluation
August 2021
This evaluation examines the alignment of the Sonoma County Probation Department with best and evidence-based practices for adult community supervision. Focus areas include: (1) Organizational Culture and Communication, (2) Navigating the Dual Roles and Responsibilities of Probation Officers, (3) Client Engagement, (4) Behavior Response, and (5) Programs and Services. For each area, the report describes best and evidence-based practices, assesses the Department’s alignment with these practices, and provide recommendations to strengthen alignment.
APPROVED SB 823 Juvenile Justice Realignment Plan
December 2021
Welfare & Institutions Code Section(s) 1990-1995 establish the Juvenile Justice Realignment Block Grant program for the purpose of providing county-based care, custody, and supervision of youth who are realigned from the state Division of Juvenile Justice or who would otherwise be eligible for commitment to the Division of Juvenile Justice prior to its closure. The Juvenile Justice Realignment Plan describes the facilities, programs, placements, services, supervision and reentry strategies that are needed to provide appropriate rehabilitative services for realigned youth who formerly would have gone to DJJ. (PDF: 407 kB)
Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Annual Report 2020
December 2020
In 2003, the Federal Prison Elimination Act passed, and following the development of Juvenile Facility Standards in June of 2009, the act became effective on August 20, 2012. The act is intended to “…provide for the analysis of the incidence and effects of prison rape in federal, state and local institutions…” (Prison Rape elimination Act, 2003). (PDF: 278 kB)
Sonoma County Probation Youth Survey Results: 2014-2018
July 2020
In 2014, 2016, and 2018, youth involved with Probation were surveyed about their experience with the Department, as part of an evaluation of the Juvenile Division's adherence and fidelity to evidence-based practices (EBPs). This report summarizes the findings from the analysis of the youth surveys, examining trends in adherence to EBPs over time.
Sonoma County AB 109 Reentry Best Practice Review
March 2020
This report supports Sonoma County’s ongoing work toward building an evidence-based reentry system that promotes a safe and thriving community. The best practice review summarizes key elements of a successful reentry system, including: system coordination, skilled/trained professionals, evidence-based decision-making, and treatment and supportive services. (PDF: 981 kB)
CSG Sonoma County IOYouth Executive Summary
March 2020
This presentation outlines findings and recommendations from the Improving Outcomes for Youth (IOYouth) juvenile system improvement project, carried out in collaboration with the Council of State Governments. (PDF: 8.47 MB)
Sonoma County Pretrial Services Program Annual Report 2018
September 2019
Sonoma County’s Pretrial Services program was implemented in 2015 as a collaboration between the Sheriff’s Office and the Probation Department. The 2018 Annual Report provides a program overview, and presents program data on the pretrial screening process, release decisions, and program outcomes. (PDF: 1.57 MB)
Sonoma County AB 109 Evaluation – Recidivism Analysis 2019
June 2019
This report builds upon findings from RDA’s 2018 recidivism analysis and presents recidivism findings for a wider range of individuals and measures over a longer period of time. (PDF: 1.17 MB)
Sonoma County AB 109 Day Reporting Center Outcome Evaluation
April 2019
This report presents the findings from an evaluation of Probation’s Day Reporting Center (DRC) for participants receiving services between January 2015 and September 2018. The evaluation includes analyses of program-specific outcomes, and the association between DRC participation and recidivism. (PDF: 1.44 MB)

Keeping Kids in School Initiative: Final Evaluation Report
December 2017
This report presents the findings of a three-year evaluation study of the Keeping Kids in School (KKIS) initiative, including a process, outcome, and cost study. (PDF: 2.38 MB)
Contracted Services Report: Juvenile Probation FY 2016-2017
July 2017
This report accomplishments made by Juvenile Probation service providers during the 2016-2017 fiscal year. There is a short summary of outcomes achieved by each juvenile program. (PDF: 2.3 MB)
Update to the Comprehensive Multi-agency Juvenile Justice Plan
July 1, 2017
In this update to the Plan listed below, Sonoma County’s Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council establishes the goals prioritized for fiscal years 2017-2019. This is the action plan for the next two fiscal years. (PDF: 686 kB)
Comprehensive Multi-agency Juvenile Justice Plan
April 4, 2016
The work of Sonoma County’s Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council, this plan identifies strengths and needs in the Sonoma County’s juvenile justice continuum, outlines priorities and measurable actions to strengthen the continuum, includes the input of system partners, community members, youth and families, and emphasizes coordination across planning efforts. (PDF: 909 kB)
Appendices (PDF: 4.19 MB)
Juvenile Justice System Study
November 17, 2009
A comprehensive analysis of Sonoma County’s juvenile justice system. The goal is to better understand how resources are used, to explore possible system efficiencies, to consider ideas to improve youth outcomes, and to better anticipate future resource needs. (PDF: 16.58 MB)