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Probation Department

Adult Division

Supervised Work Crews

In the early 1980s, the Probation Camp worked directly with the County Board of Supervisors and the County Administrator's Office to reduce dependence on the jail by creating an alternative work program, the Supervised Work Crew (SWC), formerly know as Supervised Adult Crew (SAC). The program consists of adult offenders who are assigned to work crews and transported to work sites throughout Sonoma and neighboring counties where they complete meaningful work projects that enhance parks and the community. Seventy-five percent of the program is funded by the government agencies who contract for specific projects and services. The remaining cost is paid by the County.

The SWC program is a cost-effective program in that it provides a valuable and effective jail alternative based on a restorative justice model where offenders give back to the community. The program provides approximately $4,056,000 annually in jail bed savings. In addition, by utilizing the SWC crews, the County saves up to $400,000 annually on projects that would otherwise be completed by private contracts.