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Community Development Commission

RFP for Project Based Vouchers

The Sonoma County Housing Authority (Housing Authority), a division of the Sonoma County Community Development Commission (Commission), operates the Sonoma County Housing Choice Voucher Program, funded by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development. The purpose of the program is to provide rental assistance to very low-income families enabling them to rent decent, safe and affordable housing.

The shortage of available permanent supportive housing units in the area has resulted in many of the area’s chronically homeless residents being unable to locate affordable housing that suits their unique needs. Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) is intended to serve chronically homeless individuals, who are the most vulnerable in the community. Chronically homeless individuals are those who are disabled and have experienced extended periods of homelessness. PSH helps chronically homeless households to maintain long-term, stable, and successful tenancies while receiving permanent wrap-around supportive services. PSH programs are designed to increase clients’ ability to live independently, promote community integration, and support recovery and wellness. PSH helps individuals and families to maintain a stable residency in the community, develop personal support systems, and live as independently as possible.

The Commission is issuing this Request for Proposals (RFP) seeking proposals from owners and/or developers for Project-Based Vouchers (PBV) available under the Department of Housing and Urban Development Housing Choice Voucher program. Up to 120 Project Based Vouchers are available under this RFP. Proposed units must be within the jurisdiction of the Sonoma County Housing Authority. The Commission intends to award Project Based Vouchers to more than one Respondent. Existing units, substantial rehabilitation projects, and new construction projects are all eligible for consideration. Only applications for studio, one-bedroom, and two-bedroom units which will be used as Permanent Supportive Housing will be considered under this RFP.

RFP for Project Based Vouchers (PDF: 687 KB) » 
Addendum Number 1 (PDF: 146 KB) »
Addendum Number 2 (PDF: 299 KB) »
Addendum Number 3 (PDF: 187 KB) »
Addendum Number 4 (PDF: 154 KB) »