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Human Resources Department

Employee Resources

4-13 Telework Policy Manual - Section IV: Employee Responsibility for Teleworking Costs and Equipment

Human Resources Department

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Approved: Board of Supervisors
Authority: Human Resources
Date: May 3, 2022

Read next: V. Responsibilities »

IV. Employee Responsibility for Teleworking Costs and Equipment

  1. Teleworking Costs
    1. Employees may use County supplied ordinary and necessary office supplies such as writing supplies, paper, letterhead, post-it notes, tape, etc. for their telework location. Employees should follow their department’s normal protocols regarding accessing and ordering these types of supplies. These supplies are to be used for County work only.
    2. Employees are responsible for costs associated with the use of computer and/or cellular equipment, including data or maintenance costs, internet service, energy, home workspace furniture, and ergonomic equipment.
    3. IRS rules and County mileage reimbursement guidelines will be followed. Accordingly, the employee will not receive mileage reimbursement for any travel that would not occur if the teleworker were at their department worksite and travel between the telework site and departmental worksite for any reason on teleworking days.
  2. Equipment
    1. Employees may use personal computer equipment or authorized equipment assigned to the employee such as a laptop. Department authorized equipment requires department approval. County and department IT and security policies and practices must be followed.
    2. Departments should not authorize payment or reimbursement of equipment that results in duplicative equipment in the alternative worksite for voluntary telework agreements.
    3. Employees may request reimbursement for equipment that is authorized under the Staff Development and Wellness program. Reimbursement is dependent on available funds and authorized equipment.

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