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Capital Project Plan Policy

      1. Responsibilities:
        1. Each department head or agency director of the facility entities shown above (Definitions II.C.1.a. through g.) is responsible for preparing and submitting their 5-year capital project plans to Sonoma Public Infrastructure. These plans will then be submitted to the Board of Supervisors. Department heads and agency directors should coordinate and review their plans with the County Administrator’s Office prior to submission.
        2. The Director of Sonoma Public Infrastructure, under the authority of the County Executive, has the responsibility for preparing and submitting the 5-year General Government Capital Project Plan to the Board of Supervisors on an annual basis.
        3. The Director of Sonoma Public Infrastructure has the additional responsibility for prescribing a format and compiling an annual compendium of capital project plans to be known as the Sonoma County Capital Project Plan.
      2. Criteria for General Government Capital Projects
        1. All projects in the General Government Capital Project Plan must serve to implement or be consistent with the master plans for major County complexes and facilities, and the County’s overall long-range strategic goals.
        2. Capital projects that are funded by outside, non-General Fund sources may be given separate consideration to avoid losing these funds as long as the projects conform to an appropriate master plan.
        3. The criteria for funding, prioritizing and scheduling projects paid for by the General Fund for inclusion in the General Government Capital Project Plan are normally the following, in order of priority:
          1. Required to meet compelling health, safety, legal or code compliance, a mandate of the Board of Supervisors, or a court order.
          2. Previously approved phases of a project, which are integral to completing its initial scope.
          3. Required to keep an existing building, facility or complex operational. Provides measurable economic benefit or avoids economic loss to the County. Serves to maintain or improve infrastructure of the County as a general benefit to County operations and services.
          4. Alleviates constraints and impediments to effective public access and service such as improvements regarding space limitations or inefficient layout of space in County buildings or facilities, provisions for expanded or changed programs or services, or improvements to heating, ventilation or other work environment conditions.
          5. Improves the environmental quality or aesthetics of County facilities and complexes.

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