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Workforce Development
Consultant List
Examples of Organizational Development (OD) consultant services include training, coaching, facilitation, mediation, project management, etc.
Contact the Training & Development Analyst at Workforce Development for requests.
Please follow this process:
- Contact Workforce Development (HR-WD) re: availability of OD Consultant (based on remaining contract allocation and known upcoming work).
- If needed, complete the OD Consultant Request Form.
- Department contacts OD Consultant to negotiate work plan/budget.
- Department obtains written proposal from OD Consultant. Note, proposal should include deliverables, timeframe, and cost/NTE amount.
- Statement of Work (SOW) is drafted using HR-WD's SOW TEMPLATE by either option:
- Department drafts, incorporating proposal as Attachment A, or
- Forward proposal to HR-WD Analyst to draft.
- Completed SOW must be reviewed by HR-WD for review, approval and execution.
- After SOW is fully executed, Department/Agency schedules logistics with OD Consultant.
- Per the SOW language, OD Consultant must send all invoices to Department/Agency contact and HR-WD Analyst.
- Department routes OD Consultant invoices for payment through normal Department process - HR-WD Analyst and WD Manager should be copied.