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Human Resources Department

Liability & Insurance


Liability & Insurance 750

Public - File a Claim

How to File a Claim:

To file a claim for money or damages for injury, property damage, or loss against the County of Sonoma, please fill out a Claim Form (PDF: 3.2 mB) as required by California Government Code Sections 905 and 915.

Note: Claims for property tax refunds are subject to a different process governed by Revenue and Taxation Code Section 5097. Please contact the Board of Supervisors to obtain a Claim for Refund Form.


  1. Instructions for filing a claim are attached to the downloadable claim form above. Failure to complete all required sections of the claim form will delay the processing of your claim and may result in the return or denial of your claim. Please include any additional documentation in support of your claim such as estimates, reports, receipts, and photographs.
  2. A completed claim form and supporting documentation, as required by Government Code Sections 910-913.2, must be submitted by U.S. mail or in person to:

    County of Sonoma
    Clerk of the Board of Supervisors
    575 Administration Drive, Suite 100A
    Santa Rosa, CA 95403

Once your claim is received by the Board of Supervisors: 

  1. The claim will be forwarded to Sonoma County Risk Management for investigation.
  2. A letter of acknowledgement with your claim number will be sent to you notifying you that your claim has been received. Please use this claim number when inquiring about your claim.
  3. Once the investigation into your claim is complete, you will receive notice advising you of our findings.

You may seek the advice of an attorney at any time during the investigation and evaluation of your claim.

For information about the status of your claim, please contact Risk Management at 707-565-2705 or