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Human Resources Department

Liability & Insurance



Insurance Requirements for Contracts & Agreements

The County protects its assets by requiring insurance for most types of agreements (Service Contracts, Construction Contracts, Leases, License Agreements, Permits, MOUs Grants, Funding Agreements, etc.). These requirements have been designed as templates, which should be saved and attached to the contract as an exhibit.


Supplier Insurance Certificates

Supplying vendors with an OnBase link to upload insurance documents.


Evidence of County's Insurance

Instructions for creating Department Issued Certificates of Insurance and requesting Risk Management Issued Certificates.


Insurance Waivers

In some cases, if the party with whom you are contracting cannot obtain the required insurance, a waiver can be requested. Waiver requests may be granted if the absence of the required coverage or endorsement will not significantly increase the County’s exposure to loss.


Contracts Exempt from Insurance Requirements

Some low risk contracts are exempt from insurance requirements. You may eliminate the insurance exhibit from an agreement without specific Risk Management approval if certain eligibility requirements are met.


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